Queen's Medical Centre

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Queen's Medical Centre

Recruitment and Managing Performance in Queen's Medical Centre

Recruitment and Managing Performance in Queen's Medical Centre


In today's era of competition, almost all companies and organizations are emphasizing on the strategies and techniques to make their workforce effective and efficient. Companies across the globe have introduced programs and structures that may help them in getting the best from their workforce. The companies introduce and implement these programs by utilizing the method of performance management and recruitment. Appropriate and accurate method of recruitment allows organizations to employee eligible candidates after proper screening of the employees (Mannion, 2004, pp. 65-68). It may help organizations in ensuring the smooth operations of their business. Furthermore, it may also help them in achieving their desired and pre-defined goals. Therefore, proper performance management strategies and recruitment strategies may play an effective role in aligning the aims and objectives of the company. Proceeding paper demonstrates the recruitment and performance management procedures of a well-known hospital, named as Queen's medical centre. The study also reflects the idea that how these two factors assist the healthcare companies in ensuring quality of their business methods. Current study also elaborates the importance of recruitment and performance management procedures in the field of health care (Rondeau, 2001, p.n.d).


Brief-Over View of Queen's Medical Centre

The Queen medical center is considered as one of the most prominent and the most leading hospitals of United Kingdom. The hospital is located in the Nottingham, England. This hospital is considered as the largest teaching hospital in the entire Europe. The Queen's medical center was founded by the Queen in the year 1977. The hospital incorporates approximately six thousand employees. Being the largest hospital of the East Midlands, it offers many facilities to its patients including air ambulances, emergency units, highly equipped operation theaters, pharmacy department and OPD. Highly qualified and experienced doctors and surgeons are one of the greatest qualities of Queen's medical center. According to the annual reports of Queen's medical center, the hospital incorporates strong recruitment procedures. These procedures allow the hospital to employee efficient and skill full team. Furthermore, the control of the hospital also analyzes and examines the performance of their employees in order to ensure the smooth and efficient operations of their healthcare organization (Amos, et.al., 2009, pp. 64-66).

In order to judge the performance of the employees the management of the Queen's medical centre introduced and implemented effective and efficient strategies in order to get their desired and pre determined objectives. The main objective of this healthcare organization is to select, recruit, retain and hire the most skilled and qualified individuals. In this scenario, the recruitment policies and procedures of performance management may greatly assist the hospital in retaining their reputation. The proceeding paper incorporates the recruitment procedures as well as the performance management procedures of Queen's medical centre (Mannion, 2004, pp. 65-68).

Literature Review of Recruitment

Recruitment is referred as the procedure of on-boarding, selecting, screening and attracting any qualified individual for the ...