Queen Elizabeth

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Queen Elizabeth


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and explore the reign of Queen Elizabeth in a holistic manner. There are diverse dimensions that are to be analyzed to explore different factors that contributed and deteriorated the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The paper will analyze the policy constructs issues from the Queen in order to prevent war. Nonetheless, the paper will also explore the foreign and International policies constructed during her reign. In addition, the paper will also discuss different personnel that assisted or opposed the rule of Queen Elizabeth.

Table of Contents


The Virgin Queen5

Courtship of Robert Devereux6

Courtship and Dudley Frances and Duke7

Analysis of the Ability to Avoid War8

The Foreign Policy10


End Notes13

Queen Elizabeth


According to different sources, there were contrasting arguments regarding the rule of Elizabeth I; nonetheless, majority of the sources clearly state that Elizabeth I proved to be a remarkable ruler. Throughout her long reign, she worked tirelessly to strengthen national unity, bring prosperity to a country bankrupted by her father, and make England a maritime power on par with Spain. The Tudor family had placed England on the road to world exploration and trade but with little enthusiasm. Elizabeth's grandfather, Henry VII, had commissioned the Italian seafarer John Cabot to sail west to the New World on behalf of England. In 1497, Cabot explored along the coast of Newfoundland and claimed the region for England.

Elizabeth's father, Henry VIII, sent Cabot's son, Sebastian, back to America, but showed no interest in further discoveries or colonization. Under the reign of her brother, Edward VI, more progress had been made as merchant adventurers headed east through the Baltic Sea and established trade with Russia. In contrast to her predecessors, Elizabeth grasped the possibilities that exploration and trade held for her nation. She knew that commercial ties with northern Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and the Americas would open up markets for English goods. Exploration would lead to colonies that could serve as an outlet for England's growing population, a market for English products, and a source for raw materials useful in English manufacturing. She also realized that privateers commissioned by the Crown to attack Spanish shipping could bring much needed revenue into the royal treasury.

The Virgin Queen

Queen Elizabeth's nickname was "The Virgin Queen," the Virgin Queen because she never married. As Elizabeth was actually a virgin, is not well documented. In joyful marriage and politically important candidates in any event it has never been lacking. She also held a number of favorites at court, it was as Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester and a childhood friend, almost 30 years, her favorite and probably the only one to marry whom she had given serious consideration. But Elizabeth spurned all suitors, and remained unmarried. She did not give up their personal and political freedom. In the society of that time, everything depended on their husbands. The role of women - even for a queen - was that of the wife. If she had married a crowned monarch, they would have to submit to ...
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