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Emotionally Challenged High School Students To Productive Citizens Of The Society


Education can make significant impact in the life of mentally and emotionally challenged children. Several children go through various emotional as well as mental challenges due to the inattentiveness of the family members, or due to the lack of proper motivation given to these children. If these children are properly directed from their early age onwards, there will be a good amount of skilled and trained young group emerging from our society in the near future. Studies show that the parenting styles as well as the development of the child has significant relationship (Lagace-Seguin & Gionet, 2009). Some of the main reasons why the students lose their focus in studies are mainly due to: Lack of parental attention, family environment, lack of motivation from parents, and lack of developing a focus in their children (Khamis, 2006). In the former days many steps have been taken to analyze the reasons of the inability of students to focus in their studies. Lack of motivation and educational support from the part of parents contributes to the inattentiveness of the students in the classrooms (Concannon & Tang, 2005). Many studies have been conducted in United States to find the successful ways to implement the educational reform to participate all the students alike.

Background of the Problem

Many teachers in the U.S. struggle to teach their emotionally challenged students effectively (Murry, 2005). Even though teachers make significant effort to bring the children emotionally stable, many children in high schools especially children in the alternative schools are still out of control (Kellner, Colletti, & Bry, 2003). During a class, many students distract other students from learning by yelling or being disobedient. Finally, many teachers stop trying to change them; instead they start to ignore them. According to a statistics, 384,680 students in the U.S. are emotionally disturbed (Delivering Special). From this huge number of students, it can be understood that these children are mistreated in some way. Due to the lack of motivation that these children get, they develop detest others and engage in several disruptive activities (Pastor & Swap, 1978). They even do not respect themselves and never think about what is good or bad for them. Many of these children start several habits that will hurt their health. Most of these children start smoking at a very early age and uses different kinds of drugs, mainly to forget about their state in life. Many of these children do not get any kind of motivation from their family members and these family members do not express any confidence in them (Sepa, Frodi, & Ludvigsson, 2004). In order to prevent this tragedy from happening, a teacher can help considerably with the intensive cooperation of the parents, and other members of the society.

The most significant factor for the emotional instability of many children is because of the lack of confidence shown by the parents in their children. Parents have a very significant role in developing ...
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