Quantitative Research Method In Psychology

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Quantitative Research Method in Psychology

Quantitative Research Method in Psychology


Schizophrenia, a severe mental illness, is a mental illness in the most serious kind. The cause is unknown, more than young adults, insidious onset, clinical manifestations of thinking, feeling, and behavior disorders and mental uncoordinated activities and surroundings. Patients generally clear consciousness basically normal, intelligent. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric illness, is a continuous, usually chronic, major mental illness. Mainly affect mental function, including thinking and perception of the real world, and thus influence behavior and emotion.

The most common symptoms include hallucinations auditory delusions and paranoid thoughts or disorganized speech. It is accompanied by a significant deficit in social and professional life. The onset of symptoms usually occurs in adulthood, with a prevalence of approximately one-off global 0.3-0.7%. The diagnosis is based on observation of the behavior of the patient and the experiences reported by it.

The genetics environmental factors and processes early psychological and social seem to be important factors that contribute to its development. The intake of certain drugs or drugs appears to cause or worsen symptoms. Current research is focused on the role of neuroscience, even if was not found an organic cause very precise. The possible combinations of many symptoms have launched a discussion on the fact that the diagnosis can be of a single disorder rather than the sum of a number of discrete syndromes.

The basis of treatment is the administration of a drug antipsychotic mainly that suppresses the activity of the receptor of dopamine and sometimes of serotonin. The intervention psychotherapy and vocational and social rehabilitation are also important in treatment. In severe cases, where there is a risk of self and others, the mandatory medical treatment may be necessary, even if this occurs less frequently than once.

The disease leads to the development of several chronic problems related to behavior and emotional. People with schizophrenia may have more comorbidities, including major depression and anxiety disorders. There are also frequent cases of substance abuse (found in nearly 50%), social problems such as unemployment and poverty. The ' life expectancy average of persons affected by the condition varies from 12 to 15 years less than the general population. This is the result of an increase of physical health problems and a rate of suicides higher, around 5%.

The scientific debate around the schizophrenia

The existence of schizophrenia attributable to a part of humanity, was in a sense been known for centuries in Western culture. The condition of maladjustment and inability to communicate with other individuals is associated with the traditional name of madness and those affected by this serious mismatch could be called "maniacs", "mad" or "possessed" and so on.

The emergence of a systematic observation was concomitant to the development of psychiatry , was followed by attempts to "cure" the "mad" with methods inspired by scientific principles. This happened during the 800 places that in fact they were only containment structures or segregation as sanatoriums, asylums and prisons. The "explanation" of schizophrenia remained a mystery and according to many ...
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