Quantitative Research

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Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research


On the basis of the objectives outlined, this research was based on literature review of different authors related to the investigative process, specifically with the planning of quantitative research. From the theoretical point of view, is based on the phenomenology hypothesis testing. Also, falls within the context of documentary research as a form of scientific research, such as a strategy of work rules and apply procedures intellectuals of the scientific method, because it is quantitative research (Straits, 2004). It also uses reflective thinking, the thinking logical, analysis of the synthesis, which helps to develop creativity and self-questioning of man.

Quantitative Research Planning


Phase fundamental research (problems - hypotheses - methods of study). It is necessary to establish the activities and resources to conduct research. For this, you should see the next steps reach the objective stated and the possible difficulties that may arise in order to find the solution rather than hinder the work. Work planning ensures the researcher the following:

The systematization of the material to be studied

Development of a plan that requires time and reflection

Logical order, systematic serving as a guide during the research process

The outline of this plan is not final. Given that, the researcher can see the need for changes in such planning. It may be the case that his subject matter to develop new perspectives submitted had not taken into account when it seems the work of capital importance, which cannot fail to consider (Vogel, 2002). Once the situation posed is possible to define more specifically, intended to investigate. Be kept in mind that an investigation has two types of targets its own internal, who express doubt or clear what expected and others that arise outside of the reasons that led the study (Collier, 2004). In this regard, Pineda, Alvarado and Channels (1994), refer to the protocol, which progressively developed according to the progress of research in each of its moments. For them "The study protocol should be previewed before the collection of data, it is a base document for the researcher whose specifications geared to let you run the job ". In this sense, the content must be detailed and complete it can be used by any person with similar results. In short, when you start conducting an investigation is necessary the presence of four initial requirements:

Knowledge of fundamentals of research

Minimal knowledge of the subject

Plan or project research

Resources for the project

These aspects should be taken into account in the research process; this should be done through careful planning, which usually begins with the choice of topic.


Quantitative research design represents a fairly structured and accurate guide to how you will do the same. Before starting, the stage of data collection and it is very flexible in making changes after the start this time (See Appendix). In qualitative research, the design takes a somewhat different meaning in the sense that planning is more flexible. Indicates the pattern or lines of action, does not pose exactly how it will perform every aspect of this is ...
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