Quantitative Reasoning

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Quantitative Reasoning

Quantitative Reasoning


From the past researches and history, the gun shots has augmented and due to which the enormous people has lost their lives. The gun incidents killed many people every year, due to which the population quantity has declined. The main epitome of these gun incidents is possession of this weapon and the holders used this for their mutual fights and safety. Every country has own crime history in which the gun incidents are at the pinnacle. The loss of lives of innocent people mostly has faced the perilous weapon. According to the study of many investigators, they enlightened the excessive use of this brutal weapon that can negatively affect the people lives. The crime rates positively decline, if the government takes austere and immediate action for blockade these gun incidents (Wilkinson et.al, 1998).


Level of Measurements

The level of measurement in nay research has always played a significant role for the investigators. By using level of measurement, the investigator can easily understand the central topic. In this study, the US population is the level of measurement. The nominal scale is the efficient way that helps to examine the ethnic distribution and crime types. The age of the population has also observed and collected and the researcher analyzes it on a ratio scale. The nominal and ratio scale has used in this study for evaluating the participating part due to which the gun incidents has frequently faced in US. With the help of level of measurement, the investigator can easily obtain the data. Furthermore, they only target respondents and used different level of scale according to their feasibility.

Types of Validity

The validity is a type of instrument that have generic and theoretical which helps to perform in any investigation. It can evaluate the participating part which helps in obtaining the research data. It is the ability to precisely assess what one plan to evaluate.

Content validity is assessed the particular circumstances and accounts of all features. Through this study, the investigators are able to measure the precise response about gun incidents with every respondent. Empirical validity can define the situation by closely evaluate their behaviors and other contexts. This type of validity can evaluate the respondent's behavior about gun incidents and collect their data. Moreover they can use analytical tools such as descriptive summary and correlation for analyzing the relationship between the variables. Construct validity present the validity of supposition that measurement or observations tools usually endow or assess the construct being comprehended. This validity can analyzed the collect data by statistical tools and can predict the future results.

The above type of validities is efficient and wealthy or this research study, but content validity is not accurate relevant in this case. The validity described and approach individually which requires cost and time. By reducing the cost and make this theme more feasible, the remaining two validities are efficient and understandable, which covers the entire population of US. The gun incidents research study may accomplish the main objective by using ...
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