Quantitative Article Review

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Quantitative Article Review

Quantitative Article Review


The research indicates that the key objective was to examine, how effective is a targeted multiple intervention strategy in reducing the numbers of patient falls in the acute care hospital. This shows that the numbers of patient falls is an important element that hospitals should focus on as it is necessary that effective intervention strategy should be applied so that the patient falls can be controlled or minimized.

PCIO, Population, Sample, Conceptual Framework, Computer Hardware and Software

The target population of the study was the participants over 21 years of age and large sample size for the study was included to study the patients fall risk. Moreover, to analyze the collected data, SPSS 14 was used. The intervention group in this study was establishd through the block randomization with the help of the computer program and stratified by ward in order to make sure an even mix in the ward. Stratification make sures that the numbers of respondents get every intervention is balanced in all the wards. The outcome of the research presents that the strategies pertaining to the targeted multiple intervention for the prevention of fall may have contributed a key task in the prevention for fall of patients. Besides it, the rates of incidence of patient fall within the period of stay in the hospital among the control and intervention groups which were stated with 95 % confidence interval that was calculated through Wilson method and analyzed through the Chi- square analysis.

Background and Purpose

The preventive measures in primary care are conducted at the health center and also in the patients' own accommodation. Health promotion efforts may be to inform the patient about what is going to train and benefits of physical activity. It is important to inform that the case should not be seen as something normal and that the risk of falling is often underestimated in the individual himself. Preventive interventions can delay or reduce the need to move to assisted living. Patients should also be instructed on how to get up from the floor during a fall. In addition to this, the study by Ang, Mordiffi & Wong (2011) has attempted to differentiate which factors leading to cases without damage and which leads to cases of physical harm. Most studied factors increase the risk for both cases and injury. Examples of such factors include impaired balance and impaired. It is thus difficult to know in advance whether a case will cause damage. It is known However, low bone density, osteoporosis, increase the risk of fracture. Risk factors for psychological consequences of a fall, such as fear of new cases, however, we know little about (Coughlan, Cronin and Ryan, 2007). The health professionals of acute care hospital should consider the question that “this patient will fall if no appropriate preventive measures are taken”, this will help the acute care hospital to take appropriate measures regarding patients fall.

Research Question

Is targeted multiple intervention strategy effective in decreasing the number of patient falls in an ...
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