Quantitative And Qualitative Research In Nursing

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Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Nursing

Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Nursing


Evidence based nursing research has a significant importance in clinical practices. It ensures that best possible care is to the patients so that improved patient outcomes and satisfaction can be achieved. Through evidence based researches, the nurses are well aware of interventions and support assessments that could be used to provide quality care and treatment to patients. This way they can develop new practices and enhance their skills. The two main types of the research methods are quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research design is a formal, objective and deductive approach to problem solving. Qualitative is an informal form of research that has more of a subjective and inductive approach to problem solving.


Quantitative Versus Qualitative Research

Quantitative research is supported by positivistic paradigm while qualitative research is supported by naturalistic paradigm. Under positivistic paradigm, a single topic or issue is discussed while in naturalistic paradigm diverse and multiple topics are discussed. The research participants in quantitative research can remain independent of one another and cannot influence each other's' perspective. In qualitative research method, the participants cannot work independently and has to support each other throughout the research (Keele, 2010).

Sources for Bias Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

Bias is a systematic deviation in a research. Research bias is a process in which the investigators influences the results and outcomes of a study made to achieve the desired outcomes. It has been that qualitative researchers may be more likely to eloquent sources of bias than the researchers involved in quantitative researches (Shuttleworth, 2009). The investigators tend to be biased so that they can achieve the desired outcomes of the research. This can be observed in their interpretations provided in the study (Siegel, 2011).

Sources for Bias Research

Bias is a systematic deviation in the study made ...
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