Quality Management

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Quality Management

Quality Management

Task 1


It has become challenging today for businesses to survive in an industry where they have to face intense competition not only from the domestic market but simultaneously from the businesses operating in international market. Therefore in order to retain their customers from switching to other companies, organizations need to ensure that their customers are satisfied by providing them with better quality products than their competitors (Muller, 2012). Consequently it is also significant to lower the cost of production. Therefore organizations adopt different approaches to quality management that will enable them to increase their productivity, customer satisfaction and efficiency. Implementation of quality management system has shown dramatic improvement in performance of the company. Not only companies have been benefited with use quality management, simultaneously it has resulted in customer and employee satisfaction and also increased profitability for the organizations (Pries & Quigley, 2012).

Quality management deals with every aspect of business organizations that will assure to provide better and improved quality to customers. Different approaches and methods have been identified that an organization can implement for quality management in organizations, these methods include, six sigma, lean manufacturing, total quality management, Kaizen approach and SPC tools (Griffin, 2011). Commercial operations management tend to align people, processes and technology which will support commercial activities such as sales and marketing and customer interaction, which as a result will improve innovation and marketing effectiveness. Therefore many of these quality management approaches can be implemented to commercial operations (Oakland, 2003).


1.1 Quality in Terms of Business and Services in Commercial Operations

There are number of definitions that are targeted towards explaining the term quality in businesses and services. The relationship that customers, products and businesses share can be defined as quality; however this relationship is developed through analysis and bringing continuous improvement in organization. The term quality can also be defined as meeting and exceeding the expectations of customers (Reichenbacher & Einax, 2011).

Customers want to have quality which should be appropriate to the price that they have paid for the product and as compared to the products provided by the competitors. Some of the key aspects of quality for customers may include, that the product should be appealing to the customers with respect to its design and style. Functionality of the product should be sound; it must perform the functions for which it has been produced (www.iqmsglobal.com). Reliability and durability of the product is another significant factor for better quality products, the product should not have frequent failures and breakdowns. Businesses should not only provide better services while delivering the product but it also needs to ensure that customers are provided with improved after sales services (Muller, 2012).

The most essential factor of maintain quality in business is value for money, customer satisfaction can be achieved by providing them with value in terms quality for the price that they have paid to purchase the product, price must reflect the quality. Quality is not a onetime effort but it is an ongoing process that will ...
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