Quality Management

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Benefits of Quality Management in a Business

Benefits of Quality Management in a Business


Companies have to make sure that they maintain quality in their business and help the company to grow so that they can prove to be successful and also help the people to understand as to how the company is providing the customer with what they need. In addition to this, maintaining quality is an important aspect that the company should look into and will help the business in gaining more. This paper will mainly discuss the major elements of quality management in a business.

Customer Satisfaction

According to the dictionary definition, the concept of satisfaction generally means 'a feeling of pleasure, contentment example of doing something.' If it feels satisfaction and pleasure, companies will have to deal with emotions, in this case, customers. The definition of satisfaction given by Kolter, defines the term as 'pleasure or disappointment resulting from the comparison of the performance of the product (or a result of his actions) as expected.' In the event that its expectations will be met, he will be happy, if not, the customer will of course be upset or even disappointed. However, if the product exceeds customer expectations, he will be very happy, even ecstatic (Hutchins, 2008, pp. 44-59). For example, Apple. The company has ensured that its products' innovation satsifes the customers and help them in experiencing an entirely new product.

Satisfaction can also be described by certain characteristics. Customer satisfaction depends on their needs and expectations, and it will be changed, with the change in the level of satisfaction with the purchase of the same product, just made in a different period of life of the consumer (Swartling & Poksinska, 2013). It also appears clear that satisfaction with the purchase of a single product can happen once and cannot result from long-term experience with particular branded goods. Customer satisfaction is related to customer loyalty. However, this is not always directly proportional system. If customer satisfaction is high, then the state will help win his loyalty, but usually satisfaction is treated as a narrower concept of loyalty (Hill, et.al, 2007, pp. 11-15).


For example, a simple toothpaste can provide satisfaction to the customer if the product is serving the purpose. It does not necessarily have to be a big brand name. Another example is of delivering the best product which is the case with Apple products. The company has made sure that the products that are manufactured are the best and that the customers enjoy an experience of a life time. The customer satisfaction rate of Apple is high not only because the company delivers the best products, but also because the after delivery service oif the company is exemplary. Another example of customer satisfaction is of a patient receiving treatment in hospital. The staff of the hospital is responsible for providing the best services to the patients so that he can be treated in the best manner. A family taking a holiday together with the best services being provided by the ...
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