Quality Management

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Quality Management

Quality Management

How is Knowledge Transfer developed and implemented?

Knowledge management is related to the exploitation and development of the assets of knowledge of any organization, it views organizational objectives. Knowledge management includes documented and explicit knowledge, as they are subject to the knowledge. Management is responsible for entailing all of the problems; the process includes the sharing, creation and identification of knowledge. It requires systems, which help is maintenance and creation of knowledge. Organizational learning is used to facilitate and cultivate knowledge; it also helps in sharing of knowledge. Knowledge management is the area dedicated to the direction of the tactics and strategies required to manage human resources in an organization intangible assets.

Knowledge management is a concept applied in organizations. (Paul H. 1998 59-63)You have to transfer the knowledge from the place where it is generated to the place where it's going to be used and involves the development of skills needed within organizations to share and use between its members and to value it and assimilate it.

Knowledge management has tactical and operational perspective, is more detailed than the management of intellectual capital and focuses on how to publicize and manage the activities related to knowledge and its creation, capture, processing and use. Its function is to plan, implement and monitor all activities related to knowledge and the programs required for effective management of intellectual capital.

Knowledge management is the process that continually ensures the development and implementation of all relevant knowledge of a company to improve its ability to solve problems and contribute to the sustainability of its competitive advantages.

Knowledge management is the function that plans, coordinates and controls the flow of knowledge produced in the company in connection with their activities and their environment in order to create a core competencies.

How are the areas of expertise identified and that expertise captured for future use?

The process usually involves techniques to capture, organize, store the knowledge workers, to transform it into an intellectual asset to pay benefits and can be shared. Today, information technology allows having tools that support knowledge management in companies, assisting in the collection, transfer, security and systematic management of information, along with systems designed to help make the best use of that knowledge. In particular, it refers to tools and techniques designed to preserve the availability of information held by dominant individuals and facilitate decision making and reduce risk. (Buckland, M, 1991 pp. 351-360) It is a market of software and an area in the practice of consulting related disciplines such as competitive intelligence. A particular topic of knowledge management is that knowledge cannot be encoded easily in a digital, as the intuition of key individuals that comes with years of experience and to recognize the various patterns of behavior that someone with less experience will not can recognize. The process of Knowledge Management, also known in its early stages of development as “corporate learning "or" organizational learning ", it includes the objectives such as Identify, collect and organize existing ...
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