Quality In Health Care

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Quality in Health Care

Quality in Health Care


The paper will follow the following outline and will explain the issue of quality in healthcare.

The Issue

This will explain the main issue on which the paper is based and will also discuss the problems related to the quality in healthcare.

Why it was selected

The reason behind the selection of the topic, 'quality in healthcare' is discussed and its importance is explained.

The Perspective of Approach

A different perspective of approach is explained in this heading as to how the quality in healthcare can be improved.

Scope of the Paper

The scope of the topic is discussed with respect of the healthcare industry and what is the importance of providing quality healthcare. The Issue

As per Kilo (2005), healthcare organizations are "increasingly under pressure to juggle care, quality and cost effectiveness in the wake of reform and competition." According to them, the healthcare providers are finding it hard to assure quality and cost effective health issues. This is the reason, the implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) is discussed in this study. The implementation of this program is not very costly. It will help the healthcare providers to provide good quality service to the patients, which in turn will help in reducing clinical errors.

Why it was selected

Rascati and Borel (1995) suggest that the healthcare providers have tried a lot to overcome these issues and come up with a solution that will help them; however, they have been unsuccessful. They tried to reduce the medical errors and attempted to develop their own solutions, but were not able to do so. Kettelhut (1992, p. 18) suggested, "Hospitals and clinics must upgrade feedback and control systems in order to track costs regulate inputs, and monitor quality." According to them, the hospitals should ensure that cut down costs and work efficiently that will help them ...
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