Quality Control

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Quality Control

Quality Control

Task 1

Benchmarking can be defined as the strategic tool for the businesses to identify best practices of businesses in both inside a particular industry and other relevant and non-relevant industries to improve the overall performance and critical operations and process of business and identify best practices for product creation and delivery. With benchmarking, businesses can evaluate their current position and compares it with others in industry usually the one who are the market or industry leader and apply those best practices in improving and measuring performance. The above definition of benchmarking thus shows that it is an effective tool for businesses in quality improvements which help to identify the current position of business and what they are doing, how they are doing as compared to the others in the industry, how they are effectively doing with reference to set standards and measures and search and implement those best practices that help improve the quality of the business. There are different types of benchmarking that are used in diverse areas of business and its operations to improve the quality of available resources including money, human and physical resources. These types of benchmarking will discussed as follows:

The strategic benchmarking help business improve their overall performance by identifying the best practices in setting long-term strategies and other general principles which led successful business to the top. Strategic benchmarking includes identify the core competencies of business, potential of new services and products and identification of how the market leader or the one who performs exceedingly in the industry have deal to exploit the business opportunities and also deal with changes occurring in external environments. The competitive benchmarking also known as performance benchmarking help businesses identifies their current performance positions in terms of products and services in the industry. Process benchmarking is the next type of benchmarking which primarily emphasize on improving the most critical operations and process. This kind of benchmarking is used to obtain the quick results in the key areas of business processes. Businesses often require benchmarking the innovation and improvements which could result dramatically on the existing practices in their work processes and functions. This type of benchmarking is known as functional benchmarking where business go ahead to identify the best practices apart from existing businesses in the industry.

In addition to this, the internal benchmarking emphasize on good management and practices within the same organization so that every business unit and department works on same standards of best practices and functioning. This kind of benchmarking is easy to apply as there is readily access to sensitive data and usually less time required to obtain the necessary resources. External benchmarking is another kind of benchmarking which specially focuses on learning those best practices and which could support initiating the business activity. This kind of benchmarking requires obtaining the necessary information of competitive edges of other businesses in the industry to provide the feasibility and sound recommendations for the new process or activity of the ...
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