Quality Audit

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Quality Audit

Quality Audit


In order to understand the Strategic Quality and Management Systems of an organization, it is necessary to have an overview about what it basically is. If we talk about Quality management, then there are two approaches to develop business processes, which set off each other; the sequence and radical approach. For the first approach, it applies the concept of successive improvement, which forms the basis of Total Quality Management (TQM). 

The contemporary theory of quality management stem from the quality control of the individual who acted in the production until the late nineteenth century. With such a control of the employee or a small group was responsible for producing the product. In the early twentieth century industrial development and deepening of the in-process division of labor led to the craft of quality control. It is characterized by the distribution of roles and responsibilities for the quality of both between individual workers and the guild leader or F. Taylor laid the principles of scientific management formed a basis for the development of quality criteria, by which all products can be divided by a valid, and defective. 

In the early forties of this century, the development of mass production, the growth of industrial enterprises and the increase in production led to the selection of quality in independent form of professional activity that marked the beginning of acceptance of quality control. In industrial plants were established independent quality control department, the chief of which is usually reported directly to the head of the company. 

Statement of the problem of quality of production processes has led to a new organization of work on quality control, known as statistical quality control. The most important characteristic of statistical quality control was the transition from the continuous quality control to selectively, where in the production process are systematically selected in accordance with a pre-defined plan for the control data processing method of mathematical statistics. 

A new stage in the evolution of quality management systems in the late fifties - early sixties, was associated with a fundamental change in attitude to the problem of the quality of the managers of industrial enterprises. In the eighties of this century, the companies began to realize that the only means of survival in business is paying maximum attention to quality. In many markets, the quality has been the subject of competition. And this applies not only to the quality of the product or service, but also to the delivery, after-sales service and other areas of the company. In the late eighties, a new methodology for providing quality products based on international standards ISO 9000. This methodology provided uniform construction of standards for quality management systems in various enterprises. 

Quality Control

Quality control is a procedure used to make sure a definite level of quality of products or services. It can involve any necessary action to implement the monitoring and confirmation of definite distinctiveness of a product or service. The foremost objective of quality control is to make sure that the product (service process) correspond to the exact necessities and are reliable, reasonable and financially ...
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