Qualitative Study Research Critique

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Is the problem clearly stated and is significant to nursing or health care? 

Break through pain has been describe as the transient exacerbation of pain that occurs within the spontaneously or relation to the specific predictable or unpredictable trigger, this is despite adequately and the stable controlled by the background pain of body. The incident pain is the usually precipitated and brief by the voluntary action. The research problem was clearly stated in the first sentence of the introduction, According to Webber, the breakthrough pain of cancer is mostly associated with the higher physical burden, individual social and psychological problems in the quantitative studies. This article is a qualitative nursing research conducted with the purpose of exploring the cancer patients experience of pain that he or she living with cancer pain because the researchers have researched other methods and their outcomes.

This is an excellent article about breakthrough pain in cancer patients. The research problem has a great significant knowledge about breakthrough pain as author describes it as the “occurrence of sudden intense pain”. This is common in cancer patients and contributes to their physical, psychological, and social problems (Portenoy & Hagen, 1990). The study revealed how cancer patients view breakthrough pain and how it affects with their daily living. The study was performed at a large cancer center. From a part of healthcare or nursing there are three basic categories of nursing that involves spontaneous pain, incident pain and end-of-close mediation, although these three major categories are not found in the entire article. Pain is considered ad the common occurrence in the patient with suffered to cancer (Farrar et.al, 1998). This patient has mostly experienced pain at all stages of disease it can be present for an extended time that it does become chronic. According to Webber, break through pain is common in the cancer patient with percentage between 40 %-80%. While the other study claim that the rate of breakthrough in cancer patient is quite higher with having sixty to ninety percent patient of advanced cancer patient have suffered with the significant pain that it can attributes to the diseases itself or the treatment. Patient who are taking the medication for chronic and serious pain can most of the time experiences the burst of pain that required the pain management medication from nursing and health care side (Coluzzi et.al, 2001), but this important aspect has been not featured of this article.

Is the purpose clearly stated? 

The abstract was very detailed and summarized the method used to evaluate individual breakthrough pain of cancer. The research purpose is clearly stated and has great significance for current individual breakthrough cancer pain, prior to this research study, “Observational studies does not allowed unremitting measurement of bearing and the observer's prejudiced evaluation can also show the way to vagueness The overall result of the evaluations was also stated in the abstract with a well-identified conclusion that provided readers with the recommendation for nurse ...
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