Qualitative Research Report

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Qualitative Research Report


Volunteer work means to provide resourcing assistance to others by giving your time, man power, expertise and knowledge at no cost. This paper has been written with regards to this topic in which qualitative data has been gathered because seven interviewees have been conducted to analyze the situation. Therefore, primary data has been used and the key findings of the research have revealed that the share their skills, knowledge and qualifications and they have a personal connection or experience with a cause. Volunteers aim to contribute to the society and it has a tangible impact because the aim of the volunteers is to give something back to the community.

Table of Contents


Literature Review5


Results of the Interview7


Family Responsibility7

Single People7

Possibly Be Giving7

More Saturday Night Church Social8


Grand Children8


Community Church9

Local Church9

Church Base9

Christian Believe9

Charity Work9

Church Work10

Limitations and Recommendations for Future Research11

Discussion and Conclusion12



Qualitative Research Report


The project is about social care and volunteering that people do in order to help the community. Focus of the project is mainly on social care with regards to volunteering that people from different age groups opt for. Interviews that were taken have been evaluated further in the paper, and the reason why this is important is because the trend for participating in community services has markedly grown as people have become aware. Moreover, it can also be noted that only those people can become volunteers who aim to provide assistance to others by giving your time, man power, expertise and knowledge at no cost. According to the in-depth analysis of the data accumulated through different sources, it can be interprted that there are various factors that influence the family fucntioning. There are varieties of issues that are related to the psychological perception through which family members maintain their relationships through diverse approaches.

Literature Review

In social sciences, we are more interested in knowing not only what, how but also why which is more important. Social development experts require a thorough knowledge about the social behaviour of the members of the society. Qualitative research techniques include focus group interviews; depth interviews and projective techniques from which interviews have been used as a technique to ensure success of the project. Qualitative research has been used which is exploratory and diagnostic in nature. Therefore, small numbers of people have been interviewed who were not sampled on a probabilistic basis. Moreover, the attempt to draw hard and fast conclusions has also not been made which guarantees true results of the research. Qualitative research has been applied with care in order to understand the social aspect of volunteering. The three applications that have been followed include formulating hypothesis, designing questionnaire and probing the topic and gaining a broad understanding (Youniss & Yates 1997, pp. 150).


The analysis of this paper has used qualitative data. The most appropriate method to collect the data in a qualitative study is in form of questionnaire. Hence, in order to gather the effective data to be analyzed in this paper a series of questions were constructed that ...
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