Qualitative Research Methodologies

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Qualitative Research Methodologies

Qualitative Research Methodologies


The qualitative research is a method used to gain an in-depth knowledge of human behavior. This type of research is being used in many institutions, markets, and business organizations. Unlike qualitative research, quantitative research is solely used as the method of inquiry of figurative data than can be represented and quantified. However, qualitative research focuses on the factors that govern the behavior or quality of the subject. For example, the degree of hotness or coldness can be quantified in terms of temperature. Thus, it is classified as quantitative data. But the degree of goodness or badness of a person cannot be determined by such methods. This situation requires qualitative research. Such type of data is hard to represent in system international quantified manner.

Qualitative research methods are used to capture and record the data that are retrieved through behavior and expressive information. It cannot be conveyed in a quantified manner such as beliefs, feelings, motivation. The interpretation of such data is can be difficult to represent. Thus the researchers immerse themselves in the environment to gain the knowledge by discovering the conventions of behavior, traditional mindsets, and meanings.


Qualitative Research methods are widely use in many areas of business practices. Human resource management uses qualitative researches to identify the potential and performance standards of the employees which are backed by quantitative tests and analysis. The problems arise in the representation of such abstract data. Thus each company has designed its own recognized formats of qualitative research conduction methods.

Selection of Qualitative Research Methodologies

The various techniques and methods of qualitative research include:

Focus groups

Direct observations

In-depth interviews

Diary method

Role play and simulation

Case studies

Focus groups consist of small number of people brought together for the purpose of discussion on a topic of interest. The people are encouraged to participate in the discussion by providing them calm atmosphere. The moderator can observe the data directly to draw conclusion or the responses are recorded for better analysis. This moderator can be a non-participant or the participant observer. In-depth interview are conducted to collect knowledge deliberately. They use the same principle as the focus groups. The individuals are interviewed informed with intention to impart. The dairy method includes the maintenance of a booklet or dairy to record the outputs of the subject. This assists in forming a pool of data from which the relevant data is extracted for interpretation. Simulation and role play puts a subject in the situation to which the response is needed. Case studies are presented to the individuals and then feelings or responses are recorded.

Factors of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is influenced by various factors. The environment plays an important role in the qualitative research. The particular venue, settings, and transparency of the observer impact the responses of the participants. The dynamics of the subjects such as the mental level, culture social, economic, age diversity, and background determines the quality of output. Thus the participating subjects should be carefully sought out and the research should be designed ...
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