Qualitative Research In Nursing

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Qualitative Research in Nursing

Framing the Problem

The American nursing sector is characterized by an alarming level of shortage since a majority of registered nurses are leaving clinical practice due to a variety of factors. The authors in this article looked to ascertain the major reasons behind the registered nurses decision to leave nursing practice. The authors knew that interviewing nurses on a one to one basis would be the most significant approach since the feedback of nurses is highly important in shaping the results of this type of qualitative research (Mackusick & Minick, 2010).

The experiences faced by nurses are also considered to be a potent factor in the rapid decision of nurses to leave clinical practice. Not only the experiences, but also there are other factors that play a huge role in the nurses decision to quit clinical practice. The past studies conducted by various agencies have given strength to our argument that nurses are exposed to various types of stressors and risks that affects their performance. The authors considered the perception of registered nurses as a vital factor in decision of registered nurses to leave the clinical practice. Since the authors had an aim of successfully developing nursing retention strategies, they looked to ascertain the perceptions of registered nurses (Beck, 2013).

Research Question

What are the factors influencing the decision of Registered Nurses to leave clinical practice?


The purpose of adopting the specific methodology and design in this type of qualitative research is strengthened by the fact that without appropriate sampling the study would not have been able to accomplish the desired results. Qualitative research requires that the respondents must be given a free and fair environment in which they express their perceptions in a comfortable manner. Nurses were interviewed in their practice settings where they successfully aligned their perceptions with their professional setting. The rationale of selecting this specific methodology pertains to the qualitative nature of the research since without appropriate sampling it would have been impossible to successfully align the research based requirements. Registered nurses were known to recall a number of instances in their working experience which shaped their decision of leaving clinical practice (Polit, 2013).


The methodology used by the authors in the context of such a qualitative nature was highly appropriate since the nurses perception cannot be had without purposive sampling. There are numerous pros of completing purposive sampling. The respondents who have been chosen for the sampling have been chosen because of a specific reason as of recently. A portion of the preferences included in this sort of sampling incorporate:

•Those individuals who are unsatisfactory for the sampling study or who don't possess all the necessary qualities have as of recently been dispensed with, so just the most suitable respondents remain.

As the most suitable individuals for the study have been chosen, this procedure turns into a considerable measure being less time intensive.

With fewer time constraints and a more faultless subject, the expenses for doing the sampling activity are ...
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