Qualitative Research

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in this research papar we are working on three different groups and we are interested to know how they feel about crime and what is their opinion. First we want to define what is crime and how it is defined in these three groups.

Crime has become a foremost topic in numerous societies and all age assemblies are engaged in it. Even it has been glimpsed juvenile young children are engaged in it. For demonstration a man concludes to take cocaine. He understands the dangers he is taking, and he considers that taking the cocaine is worth the risk. Should he be allowed to take the drug? Or should the government compel him to desist from it, in his own interest? He is not injuring any individual but himself, so why should there be a regulation in disagreement to it? This argument has stormed since the beginning of civilization. J. S. Mill, in his Essay on Liberty, takes the position that is generally accepted: the government should not hinder with affairs that manage not enlist more than one person. These affairs are often called "victimless crimes." Mill - along with the well liked of persons in today's world - assertions that if a individual devotes a misdeed contrary to his or herself, like harming the body by taking specefic pharmaceuticals or suicide, the individual should not be prosecuted. The contention is that no other individual is affected. All engaged parties consent to the placement, so they should be accountable for what happens. A couple of widespread victimless misdeeds are prostitution, taking hurtful pharmaceuticals, and suicide. These are seen as having no contradictory result on any individual but the persons who acquiesced to accept the contradictory effects. In truth, all victimless misdeeds surrounds difficulties for other constituents of humanity. J. S. Mill did not realise that "victimless" misdeeds manage not really exist.

In this research paper we are going to focus on three different age groups and we have classified these age groups as 16 - 24 Years old, 25 - 64 Years old and 65 and over.

16 - 24 Years old

The first group that we are going to discuss is the most important part of the society which is teenagers. in this group there are four people.

A face to face interview was taken and all of them answered to all the questions. In response to the question what are the main factor for youth crime they all agreed that there are a wide range of explanatory factors for youth crime. A few of them are as listed.

Family Social Position (social class, ethnicity and family composition). This means the class you live in could affect your childhood e.g. Higher class, middle class or lower class. Also your ethnicity or race could have an effect on you as a person.

Individual characteristics (dispositions, self-control and morality, social and school bonds, parental monitoring and truancy), These are all self explanatory points and basically means an individuals ability ...
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