Qualitative Nursing Research Critique

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Qualitative Nursing Research Critique

Critique of the Article


Qualitative data comprise of experiences and words, not numerical data. In order to analyze a data, creativity, deep understanding and thorough study are required. (Powell and Renner, 2003) Qualitative research is essentially a collection of various approaches that have similarities as well as differences. (Parahoo, 2006) Qualitative research documents not consider the truth as objective, but as a subjective reality that is personally experienced at different levels by each individual.


Author/s credentials

All the researchers were registered nurses and PhD also.Among them one was nurse specialist (research), two were professors and two were associate professors at different universities. Therefore, they were competent to conduct this researcher paper especially the research was conducted in their country.


The purpose of this research article is to explore the decisions making regarding the screening mammography of the women of 55 years of age and more having family history of breast cancer.

Brief summary of the Article (including Concepts and Theories)

This qualitative study investigated the intricate nature of choice making regarding the screening of mammography for ladies matured 55 or more than this age. The researchers recognized some content ranges and dependable rising subjects that impacted ladies matured 55 years or more senior's screening choices incorporating medical practitioner's impact, preference of patient, system components, and social impacts. The researchers discovered that some ladies of 55 years or more have solid assumptions about whether to get mammography screening, whereas others seem to accompany the recommendations of their specialist or daughter. A few medical practitioners individualize their talks regarding screening to eldest ladies, others for the most part empower screening unless a particular patient has an exceptionally short expectancy of life; and few were seem to discourage screening. Doctors feel that talking about ceasing screening with ladies matured 55 or more is troublesome since the exchanges might be prolonged or uncomfortable. Numerous solicited more information regarding the risks and benefits of screening mammography for ladies matured 55 or more to expedite these talks.

Up till now no researches have investigated elements impacting mammography screening choices around ladies of age 55 and more. A few studies have inspected elements that impact screening choices around more youthful women. Nekhlyudov et al. investigated choice making around screening around 16 ladies matured 38 to 45 without former screening mammograms and discovered that choices for screening were persuaded by the media, medical practitioners, other ladies having cancer of breast as well as psychosocial variables (Nekhlyudov et al., 2003). Salazar and Moor investigated choice making around mammography screening around 87 working ladies matured 39 to 75 and discovered that tests arranging mammography screening, fear related to breast cancer or regarding the treatment of breast cancer, the expense of screening, and the impact of a health awareness provider, around different variables, impacted screening choices (Salazar & Moor, 1995). The researchers of this article discovered that a portion of the elements that affected more screening choices of young ladies additionally impacted the screening choices of the ladies of 5 years of age or older ...
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