Qualitative Methodological Analysis

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Qualitative Methodological Analysis

Qualitative Methodological Analysis

Part A

Article 1: The Lived Experience of Occupational Adaptation Following Acquired Brain Injury for Peoples Living In a Rural Area (Parsons & Stanley, 2008).

Article 2: Parental Presence During Resuscitation In The PICU: The Parents 'Experience - Sharing And Surviving The Resuscitation: A Phenomenological Study (Maxton, 2008).


Article 1 Unique aspects

Article 2 Unique aspects

Aspects in common 

Nature of RQ

Exploring the experience of subjects living in rural areas, with acquired brain injury

 Exploring the experience of parents who are present or absent during a resuscitation attempt on their child in PICU

 Sharing the experiences to draw a conclusion

Sampling strategy

 Two male subjects were selected on voluntary basis

Purposive sampling was used. The parents of those children were selected who have either survived or died following the resuscitation attempt in PICU of a hospital

Selection of subjects who have faced the clinical manifestation

Recruitment procedure


Recruitment followed the inclusion criteria regarding the age of the male individuals. The age range selected was between 18 to 45 years. Additional requirements included the confirmed diagnosis of mild to moderate ABI, 6 to 18months post rehabilitation, residence in their own rural homes, and have the ability to share the experiences of their disability and its effect of occupational lives and can also give informed consent.

 Recruitment followed for those who informed about their experience in the most appropriate manner. Since the nature of the study was sensitive, therefore, the strategies were adopted carefully, to cause minimum harm to the emotional state of the parents. Prior to their selection contact was made with the consultation help of nursing, medical and other social work personnel.

Written consent was additionally obtained from all of the participants.

 Recruitment was done on the basis that the selected participants will share the experiences in the best possible manner. Moreover, each participant's willingness was sought through the process of informed consent.

Data collection tools and procedures

 For data collection, a one hour interview was conducted on the first participant. Whereas, for the second participant, 2 one hour face to face interview were conducted. For both of the participants, a semi-structured, open and in depth interview format was used

An in depth, unstructured interview was conducted. The interviews were audio taped and the verbatim was later transcribed to collect data.

 Subjects were interviewed for the process of data collection

Data analysis procedures and techniques

 The technique used for analysing the data included the Colaizzi's approach.

Van Manen's interpretative hermeneutic phenomenological approach was utilized for the process of data analysis.


Part B

Article: Parental Presence during Resuscitation in the PICU: The Parents 'experience - Sharing and Surviving the Resuscitation: A Phenomenological Study (Maxton, 2008).

The research question of the study under consideration provides an in depth knowledge about the experiences which were shared by the parents of the child who either expired or survived during a cardio pulmonary resuscitation shot in PICU setting at a local hospital. The parents, who were selected for this research, were either absent or present during the resuscitation attempt in the PICU. The intention behind selecting this issue as the research question was to ...
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