Qualitative Interviews

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Qualitative Interviews

Qualitative Interviews


The purpose of this study is to conduct qualitative interview of two different people within the research site organization. The main objective behind this interview is to find out the change management strategies within the organization. The selected organization for this interview is RB group of companies. This organization is one of the most successful organizations of the state. This interview may significantly help in understanding the change management strategies of this organization, as well as the causes, which led the leader managers of an organization to bring change in their management. In this study, the interview is conducted with the leader-managers of RB group of companies, named as Mr. John and Mr. Henry. Both of the personnel have prominent and leading positions in the organization. Mr. John and Mr. Henry took various decisions and had introduced and implemented several strategies, in order to achieve their desired and pre defined goals. The proceeding discussion of this study incorporates the analysis of the interview, which was conducted with Mr. John and Mr. Henry. This analysis may greatly help in understanding the importance of change management within the organization.

Analysis of an Interview

This interview aims to discover the strategies that were used in RB group, in order to bring change in their management as well as in their culture. During this interview Mr. John was asked about his approach towards change management. According to his views, change management is a variable approach and its definition varies from one condition to another. Furthermore, he asserted that, change management is the structured approach in order to move an entire organization, teams and individuals from a present state to the pre defined future state. On the other hand, when the same question was asked to Mr. Henry, he replied that change management is the ...
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