Qualitative And Quantitative Research

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Qualitative and Quantitative Research


Quantitative Research

Quantitative research has been the most commonly used research method in the health care profession. This research method is applied to studies so that the effects of new treatment methods and drugs can be carried out. This research paradigm gives significant information regarding the drug trials, epidemiology, effectiveness of interventions, etc. The core concepts are dependent on statistics, numbers, and proportions. This type of research is not very beneficial for the measurement of emotional, psychological, and behavioral of people.

The key features of quantitative research include the level of credibility and reliability. The findings of this research model are usually quite dependable. In order to enhance the treatment outcomes and the practice interventions, findings of a quantitative research can be tested using any statistical methods. Hence the credibility, transferability and reliability of this research model are exquisite.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research and quantitative research are opposite to each other in terms of the different approaches and outcomes of both. Qualitative research focuses on understanding the emotional, psychological and behavioral patterns of humans. Whenever the gist of a problem has to defined, qualitative research is adopted. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative model is used for the measurement of descriptions, quotes and words.

Quantitative research has the well-built scientific nature. In the case of large budgeted drug trials, this research method is used. It incredibly justifies large amount of funding. The thorough and accurate nature of the quantitative research contributes to the credibility. An exquisite example of the applicability of quantitative research is the employment of this technique by hospital managers and governmental health project analyst. These professionals intend to experiment, analyze and implement policy interventions. The use of surveys and questionnaires is also a strengthening factor which considerably reduces the cost.

Differences between Qualitative Research And Quantitative Research

The most significant differences between qualitative and quantitative research models is that it is subjective and objective, respectively. Qualitative research extracts the gist of a research problem and aims at understanding of the new perspectives. Where as, quantitative research aims at mining of the scientific truth and applicability to practice such as evidence based practice. The subjectiveness of the qualitative data can be weighed by the fact that it produces rich and deep data. On the other hand, quantitative research methodology focuses on repeatable, statistical and countable data. This is the second difference between the two. It can be depicted with ...
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