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Queens Crescent Community Centre

Queens Crescent Community Centre


This paper explores the concept of Queens Crescent Community Centre in a holistic context. Specifically, this paper provides the features and processes adopted at Queens Crescent Community Centre. I have discussed my role and responsibilities as an administration and youth worker. Queens Crescent Community Centre is an organisation that provides services within the local area for local people to develop their initiative skills, to help bring stability in local deprived areas. The centre is organised by a board of trustees; local residents in the borough of Camden who manages 5 different centres to create central resource for community regeneration in a deprived area of London Borough of Camden. These premises are Maitland Park Sports Centre Fleet Community Centre, Peggy Jay Centre and the Cavasham Nursery. Within these premises QCCA delivers 50 different services for local people these services are: under 5's drop in and crèche, seniors luncheon club, trips, young people youth club, residential trips and 1-2-1 support, education and employment such as ESOL classes, IT drop in, exercise and fitness such as gym, aerobic classes, culture festival organisation and lastly facilities and services such as hiring and booking services.

Services offered

The public services are designed to empower local people with local solutions to help build the grass roots out of poverty and deprived areas into a more structure, stability and wellbeing for themselves and for the community. Queens Crescent Community Centre has a vision to succeed in their aim and to develop good, respectable services for the local people. The objective of this is to provide resources and facilities within the interest of local people to help produce standard welfare, education and leisure recreation time. The board of trustees help empower local residents and challenge disadvantage areas and improve the quality of life and standard of living. In order for these issues to be addressed the board of trustees and other management within QCCA is required to build relationships within the cliental environment so they can develop an interaction and a connection to understand the needs of local residence about the type of services to provide and how they go about providing them. They may conduct interviews to highlight the services they conducted and how it has an impact on them, promote services to local residents by devising an activity programme where it is displayed and shown on notice boards to help provide awareness for residents to know what kind of services QCCA offers in London Borough of Camden.

My role

My role was divided into two major sections administration and youth worker. As an administrator my role is to ensure customers are aware of the services we provide and the process of taken part in those services. This could be conducted through email, telephone and face to face conversation. The demands are high in terms of communicating with individuals affectively, managing each person's inquiry effectively and smoothly. However pressures occur within the organisation that can cause an impact on the progression of the ...