Qantas Airline

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Qantas Airline

Qantas Airline

Business Bit

Qantas Airline was founded in 1920 and is one of the fastest growing airlines in Australia.

It is the country's largest domestic and international airline with over 33,000 employees.

The company operates with subsidiary airline companies and also other business which includes Q Catering.

Qantas is one of the strongest brands of Australia and has made sure that it creates a strong position in the market which will help it to earn more profits and revenues.

The main focus of Qantas is on the customers, which has made the company successful and ensures that the right steps are taken for providing the best service.

Quality is one aspect that the company does not compromise on, which is one of the reasons that the company has a huge customer base.

Qantas looks to facilitate its customer in every possible and one example of this is when the company provides customers with the necessary comfort items in events when the baggage is delayed for more than 24 hours.

Global partnerships are one of the most essential aspects that the company has implemented. It has partnered with Emirates, another giant in the airline industry to make sure that the business benefits from it.

Qantas has been performing well since its establishment and the investors have also gained a huge amount on their investments, which ensures that the company is working in the most efficient manner.

Journalistic Article

Qantas Airline has been performing exceptionally well in the past few years. The company has been doing well according to the standards that are set by the management and has been working according to the needs of the customers. In the past few years, the company has been suffering losses and has faced difficult times. In addition to this, the performance of the company has been impacted by the changes that are taking place globally, especially the changes in the world oil prices. The following table presents information of the oil prices of the past 5 years:


Nominal Price ($/Barrel)

Inflation Adjusted Price ($/Barrel)
















The above table presents the information regarding the increase in the oil prices and also tells us why airline companies are finding it hard to cover their costs. The prices were record high in 2008 due to the global financial crisis and the performance of the company had been impacted by this. Thus, the profits of the company reduced and the investors started to lose their confidence in Australia's largest airline. Not only did the increase in the oil prices impact the performance of the company adversely, but the increase in the financial costs and operational costs had caused a reduction in the profits of the company.

In addition to this, the operation costs of the company had increased due to which the company had to suffer huge losses and also had to let go the investors whose confidence shook when the company was hit by the financial crisis. Qantas improved its performance after it was hit by the financial crisis and it helped the business to ensure that ...
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