Punishment Of Minors Who Commit Violent Crimes

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Punishment of Minors Who Commit Violent Crimes

I. Introduction

A. Grabber

As more minors are committing violent misdeeds, the inquiry of if they should be endeavored as mature individuals has arisen. Children as juvenile as 13 or 14 are committing violent misdeeds for example killing, rape, and equipped robbery. Some of these young children are being endeavored as mature individuals while other ones are being endeavored as juveniles and obtaining milder punishments (Brenzel 34).


B. Background

A juvenile lawbreaker may obtain a couple of years in a juvenile detention facility and probably probation next his issue at age eighteen. An mature individual committing the identical violent misdeed will obtain a much harsher punishment, often years in prison, probably a life judgment, with little or no possibility of parole. The only distinction between the two lawbreakers is the age at which they pledged the crime. Juveniles over the age of fourteen should be endeavored as mature individuals when suspect of violent crimes.


C. Thesis:

The major reason of this thesis is to talk about the Children who consign brutal misdeeds manage so for changing reasons. While it is occasionally unrealistic to understand for certain the motivations behind the misdeed, it is significant to analyze all components engaged and to hold the detail that young children who consign these kinds of misdeeds often manage so as part of a bawl for assist, due to a annals of misuse and neglect.


II. Narration


If a juvenile, over fourteen has the proficiency and enthusiasm to consign a violent misdeed they should be endeavored and punished as an adult. A fourteen year vintage understands right from wrong. He (or she) is adept to notify if they are committing a crime. If a juvenile is mature sufficient to consign an mature individual misdeed, they should be treated as an mature individual, and punished fairly as asserted by the mature individual law. The distinction in age in two persons should not work out their punishment if they have pledged the identical misdeed under the identical or alike pretenses.

Juveniles are certainly being revealed to aggression through videos, TV, and video games. Young children, those age 13 and under, may find it natural to imitate these sources. Teenagers, fourteen and older, although, are after the stage of imitation. They no longer imitate activities they glimpse on TV or in the movies. They have come to a grade of maturity that permits them to believe and proceed for themselves. They are at an age where they can make up their own minds and conclude for them to manage things, such as bathe or arrange rudimentary nourishment items. These teenagers still require guidance in life, but no longer require somebody to contain their hand (Pickett 34)



A juvenile lawbreaker should be endeavored as asserted by his crime. If he has pledged a juvenile misdeed, then juvenile punishment is fitting. However, if he has pledged an mature individual misdeed, or violent misdeed, a harsher punishment is needed. A teenager will not be educated anything or discover to take blame for ...
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