Publicly Traded Corporation And Their Working

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Publicly Traded Corporation and Their Working

Publicly Traded Corporation and Their Working


Public traded companies can simply be defined as the companies, which issues stocks that are traded on open market, either through the stock exchange or through over-the-counter market. Therefore, the working principles of such companies are relatively different from the private companies. Some argue that the fact the stockholders enjoy the final say in the decision-making as opposed to the managers can result in certain shortcomings. Nevertheless, for the publicly traded companies, it is easier to access greater financing as compared to other companies, which is a predominant aspect the company enjoys over other companies. There are a number of Publicly Traded Corporation currently working and operational and are able to achieve a huge list of achievements with the help of their strong image and reputation in the marker and for their customers. One of such corporation includes Google. Now over a decade old, the company is still on the way of further progress.


Google Inc. is a very famous and well-known American multinational corporation. Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded the company and it emerged as a privately held corporation in the year 1998. The corporation has specialized in Internet-related products and services. These include software, cloud computing, search, and also online advertising technologies.

Impact of Company's Mission, Vision, and Primary Stakeholders on its Success

Google can be regarded as one of the most first ever companies to have realized the various internet related needs and hence offered the users with a number of advantages and applications to bridge these gaps. There vision of the company has always focused to provide the users with data and information that is fast, convenient and affordable to retrieve (Proskine, 2006). This is why the company has always communicated this to their shareholders that their mission must be to offer the best possible experience of various internet related task.

Although, the company started out as a search engine. However, it is only evident that the corporation has now grown and achieved so much more than what was expected. This is only because of the fact that the very clear vision of the company allowed it to set goals that were practical however also challenging and exploring several existing principle and technologies. This clear and exquisite vision by the company owners have helped them to convince and motivate the stakeholders to make effective and useful decisions when it comes to financing and investing in the areas of network and internet technology towards which the paradigm shifts are most expected (Picker, 2009). Therefore, it will be fair to say that the mission of the company is to foresight the expected changes in the field of technology. The fact that their foresights have always been accurate and precise helps them to motivate the shareholders in investing in the required areas.

Forces of Competition and Their Impact on the Company

Internet is a very commonly used commodity in the recent world. Therefore, it is only sensible to say that Google ...
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