Public Sector Accountability

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Public Sector Accountability and Transparency

Public Sector Accountability and Transparency

Question 1

(a) Drafting a strategic policy development process for the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police of an OECD Committee on Accountability and Performance Management in



It is the basic responsibility to develop a strategic policy of the police service development of the community. Accountability and performance is the main concern for the OECD which requires proper regulation and management in policing. There are different strategies that can be adopted for the implementation of accountability and transparency in this system. The most important areas of concern are proper and effective services, management of people complaints and providing security and the most important is to guarantee the law. There are various strategies and policy framework available that can be adopted by the OECD for the management of the public services.

Performance, Accountability and Transparency

Peters, G.( 2007), emphasized on the importance of accountability in the political system. The most important concern for the government is to maintain the proper organization and legislative system. It consists of planning, deciding and implementing various rights and obligations for the citizens. Peters, G.(2007), also highlights the public right to know all these policies and strategies. This ensures the transparency in the accountability of these strategies and the implementation and performance of these policies. Accountability and transparency is the basic need for the democratic form of a government. It is also very important for various public sector agencies to understand the need of maintain the accountability and transparency in the performance. One of the most important reasons is that public sector organizations are formed for the benefits and interests of public and these organizations are liable and answerable to the public. It is the right of public to know about their rights. Accountability provides complete information of the public that what are the strategies and policies of the government for the rights and safety of the citizens.

Good Governance on the basis of Performance, Accountability and Transparency

If a government maintains all the standards of the accountability and transparency and performed according to it, then it is the good governance of all these strategies and policies for their citizens. This very important concept that maintenance of the accountability standards ensures better planning and avoid chances of corruption in the government and thus guarantees the transparent process (Kaufman 2005). It is main feature of good governance to regulate the behavior of the government officials for understanding their responsibilities for the law and code of ethics (Bovens 1999). This requires proper assessment and evaluation of these public sectors and their performances.

Strategic Policy Development Process

Strategic policy development process for the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police of an OECD Committee on Accountability and Performance Management in

Policing is consists of the following important steps.

1. Defining outcomes: This is the most important step that helps to define and set the target and goals that are required to be achieved. The basis outcome of the management in police is to provide better safety ...
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