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Marketing Strategies by the Public Service in Turkey

Marketing Strategies by the Public Service in Turkey


When it delivers services at an appropriate level of quality for an acceptable value to stakeholders such as voters, taxpayers, businesses, and citizens, the public sector performs most successfully. The impressions from personal interactions and government in general with public institutions' opinion, from both stakeholders, depend on this perception of success. themes such as a desire to improve the quality of public services emphasize on free market modelled reform government policies, according to Chapman and Cowdell (1998), John Major's The Citizen's Charter in the UK and similar. As aiming to create long-term customer welfare and satisfaction as a key business strategy, they continue that this focus on quality improvement is an example of societal marketing defined. To satisfy stakeholder needs through service offerings, societal marketing manifests as a desire in the public sector as the authors conclude.

Organiztions that offer their services and products to the public need to develop a distinct marketing strategy in order to succeed in the market.The effect that marketing can have on the success of a business has revealed to the owners of public sector companies to change their marketing strategies in many western economies.This paper aims to study the different categories of public organizations with the focus on anlaysis the marketing techniques used by public sector organizations.



Some organisations operate without making a profit in mind and some organisations are profit motivated; hence there are many different types of organisation. Marketing in the public sector (a non-profit-making sector essentially) is what this essay is about. There are many non-profit making organisations ranging from charitable institutions to large corporations carrying out public services (i.e. municipal councils) and other bodies of various purposes and sizes. In the belief for a new appreciation and understanding of the concepts that are being put forward, the varied purposes and activities they serve provide a veritable panacea, we will pay prime attention to the municipal authorities' functioning, in this essay. To the formation of joint venture companies where the profit motive is usually present, with its accent on accountability and targets, it is recognised that more recent changes in local government in particular have led to the establishment of a trend towards managerialism, at the same time. However, many of the suggestions and comments here will be relevant both to the organisations that are profit-making, and to the large variety of organisations that are non-profit-making, as well

Despite the argument put forward in the marketing literature that these are just two of the many marketing activities carried out by organisations, many people think of marketing as just selling and/or advertising of services and goods (MOTI, 2005). Marketing activities are those associated with going about satisfying them at least as well as or better than competitors after identifying the particular needs and wants of a customer's target market.

Customer Orientation

The customer orientation is a core principle of marketing. Supplying customers with a “product” to the extent that company can ...
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