Public School Vs Private School

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Public school Vs Private School

Public School Vs Private School


Social justice is a concept that has appeared in the mid- nineteenth century , referred to situations of social inequality , which defines the search for balance between unequal partners, through the creation of protection or inequality of opposite sign, on behalf of the weakest. Social justice refers directly to the right of the poorest sections of society, especially workers and the enjoyment of social and economic human rights, known as second generation rights, of which no human being should be private. To illustrate the concept is often said that while justice is blind traditional, social justice must take off the blindfold to see reality and make the inequalities that occur in it. Nowadays there is a lack of social justice in the educational institutions and educational system. This issue is brought in by the concept of differentiation in the public and private schools.

The dilemma of choosing between a private or public school is faced by most parents. The decision takes place depending on their beliefs or religion. A frequent question that parents ask themselves today is which is better- a public school or a private school? Aspiration for giving the best possible education to children is the fundamental force that drives parents, teachers, and schools to construct better means and fields in which to keep up and thrive in the modern era (Tierney, 2004).

Discussion & Analysis

It is often wondered by parents how to start off the education of their children. The dilemma of choosing between a private or public school is faced by most parents. The decision takes place depending on their beliefs or religion. A frequent question that parents ask themselves today is which is better- a public school or a private school? Aspiration for giving the best possible education to children is the fundamental force that drives parents, teachers, and schools to construct better means and fields in which to keep up and thrive in the modern era.


Private schools are paid for and financed by the tuition fee paid by the parents themselves. These schools are independent in matters of curriculum and manage themselves independently. This benefit provides private schools better access to the most advanced education tools as well as skilled trainers whose services would not be available otherwise. Public schools are the choice for the majority of the population in the state. Public schools are subject to the provisions of the respective states (which vary from state to state) and are managed by school boards, which also dominate the curriculum. The funding of public schools is done by taxpayers' money and is free for residents. For non residents, school fee is collected, which is often much less than that of a private school fee (Burbules & Torres, 2000).


As stated above, private schools are independent in matters of curriculum and manage themselves independently. This liberty permits private schools to develop their own curriculum. This freedom from the interference of government is perceived as a major advantage ...
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