Public School System Policy Development And Communication

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Public School System Policy Development and Communication

Public School System Policy Development and Communication

Communication's Program

It is imperative that communication be maintained in both directions between the public schools of the district and such local institutions, organizations and groups such as industry, business, labor, charity and others which comprise the structure of the community. As a result, a community relations policy is in effect based on three principles:

School-community communications must be honest in intent and execution

School-community relations must be an integral part of the total educational program.

Ideas should be communicated in simple, easily understood language

In conjunction with the School Board policy in effect, the school district developed a Communication Plan in 2003 to provide public understanding and awareness of the learning opportunities provided for students and learners of all ages in the South Butler County School District. In accordance with the Strategic Plan and developed with the building level administration, the Communication Plan was established help to create positive school climates that promote cooperation, family & community involvement, professional learning that is open to new ideas, within safe, disciplined, drug-free environments that foster the development of good character and citizenship (Kaeufer 2002).

The District Communication Plan (to view the plan click the following link (South Butler County SD Communication Plan) or the link at the bottom of the page) enlisted the following beliefs:

We believe it takes the entire community to educate children and to prepare them for the future.

We believe effective communication will allow parents and community members to be connected to our schools.

We believe the South Butler County School District staff delivers effective educational research-based programs designed to meet all students' needs.

We believe the mission of the South Butler County School District is to develop students who have the ability to succeed at their next levels of learning by providing a safe, challenging environment delivered by quality staff in partnership with the community.

We believe in developing schools of excellence that are linked to the community and are constantly evolving and improving.

We believe that good communication is critical to success.

The beliefs of the District Communication Plan translated specifically into desired outcomes. Eight outcomes were developed for the Plan's success:

To develop improved internal and external communication tools.

To provide an effective two-way communication plan that will inform all customers of the issues facing public education at the local, state, and national level.

To develop school and community understanding of our commitment to the educational process, that will put into practice the mission, goals, and beliefs of the school system.

To design positive school climates that welcomes and encourages family and community involvement in our schools.

To seek partnerships within the community to provide additional learning experiences for students.

To create a learning organization that is open to new ideas.

To develop a system of communication that creates an environment that promotes cooperation, teamwork, and creativity among all constituencies.

To reach out to community members who do not have children in our schools (Caldwell 1992).

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