Public Safety Debate

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Public Safety Debate

Public Safety Debate


The public safety is a major concern ever since there has been a drastic increase of crime in the society. To keep the society and the citizen safe is not a very easy job for the police officials. At countless of occasions, in order to provide safety to the public, the civil rights have been violated in the name of justice. Providing public safety and also maintaining the civil rights at the same time is a difficult task. The human rights limit the police officials to properly and effectively carry out their task of providing public safety. However, human civil rights are the most essential factor which must also be maintained. The civil rights are also maintained by the laws and constitutional amendments. The fact remains that giving more importance to the civil rights restricts the law enforcement in terms of public safety. There is a strong need to set up such policies and laws that will provide a clear balance between the two so that the police officials are able to perform the duties in the most appropriate manner.

Public Safety vs. Civil Rights Debate

The civil rights of the individuals are the major part of the country's foundation which must be maintained at all times. However, there is a strong debate that in terms of public safety: To what extent the civil rights can be violated in order to protect the citizens? Should the civil rights be emphasized more as compared to the public safety? This debate has been going on for a long time. Many people side with the public safety as they believe that the public safety is the major factor which must be kept no matter what (Hicks, 2011). However, some claim that the civil rights are more important and should not be violated. Numerous individuals argue against the limition the civil rights because of the safety of the public but the same individuals also argue that the police officials must work more for the protection of the citizen and ensure their safety against criminal and terrorists act (Lieberman, 2009). There is clearly no set boundaries or rules aligned which determines whether the civil rights must be maintained or the public safety should be given priority. The police officials must ensure that there is a proper balance in each case. There are several issues in which the civil rights must be put firsts, like the capital punishment. The criminal is already in jail and is serving his punishment; there is no need to violate the civil rights by killing that criminal or torturing the criminal. A proper balance can be achieved in majority of the cases.

Current Laws and Amendments in Justice and Security Administration in Major Issues

Some of the major issues in the justice and security administration like hate crimes, pursuit driving, gun control and death penalty. These major issues and their current laws and amendments are discussed below:

The Death Penalty: Effective Crime Deterrent vs. Civil Rights Violation

The death penalty is ...
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