Public Relations: Its Role And Importance In The Implementation Of An Effective Marketing Campaign In The Hospitality Industry

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Public Relations: Its Role and Importance in the Implementation of an Effective marketing campaign in the Hospitality Industry



This study was conducted in order to analyze the importance and role of public relations in the implementation of an effective marketing campaign in the hospitality industry. The study used the qualitative approach by conducting. Both primary and secondary data was utilized. Primary data was collected through interviews with participants from different organizations in the hospitality industry in the United Kingdom. The secondary data for the study was conducted for the literature review and background study using journals, books and articles and internet sources. The literature review revealed that public relations play an important role in any marketing campaign. Public relations addresses an assortment of groups using publicity or uncontrolled media tools like press releases and annual reports while marketing addresses consumers, distributors, and customers using paid-for media tools like advertising, personal selling, and direct marketing. The findings revealed that public relations have long lasting impact on the customer loyalty and help in gaining positive impression. The conclusion suggested that the hotels consider adopting new ways of communicating its offer that reduces the deficit seen in the results derived primarily from advertising the great advertising saturation.






UK hotel Industry2

Industry Background3

Outlook of UK hotel marketing industry4

Future Prospects4

Public relation5

Public relation and marketing6

Loyalty marketing7

Integrated Marketing Communication Tools8







Public Relations in Hotel11

Satisfaction in hotel Industry13

The Components of Satisfaction15




This dissertation is about the importance and role of public relations in the implementation of an effective marketing campaign in the hospitality industry. The dissertation provides an overview about the UK hotel industry, background of the industry. It will also highlight the future prospect of hotel industry and outlook of UK hotel marketing industry. The literature will further give the concept of public relations and its link with marketing. The concept of loyally marketing and integrated marketing will also be discussed.

In relation to the significance and strong effects of public relations, it is found that through the different media of public relations, marketers are more capable of contributing positively to their brands and enhance the relationship by the means of a strong cognitive association that is built by creating brand loyalty, brand identity, brand positioning and a positive brand image


UK hotel Industry

In the modern professional literature, it has been observed that there is a wide usage of the term “hospitality industry” to describe the hotel industry. Although, the hospitality is included in this term as an element, it should be noted that hospitality is more capacious and a general concept, since its objective is to meet the needs of not only tourists in narrow sense, but consumers in general. (Naik Mantrala 2010, 214)

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