Public Relations

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Public Relations Assignment

Public Relations Assignment

Part One

Public relations are a very essential marketing communication tool. It can be utilized both outside and within the organization. Marketing communication is the process of transferring the intended messages to the target market. PR plays a very effective role in the market communications (Grunig, & Hunt,1984). The PR helps the companies to increase their image in the market with the help of the market communications. During the market communications the Pr department devises and makes strategies for the overall market communications. AS the Pr is aware of the market, so it suggests only those messages which will be helpful for the company and will produce the desired results( Lattimore, Baskin, Heiman, Toth, & Van Leuven,2004). For instance, if the company plans to make and advertisement for the intended target market, the PR departments will also contribute in it.

The PR is well aware of the demands of the customers and it plans the market communications according to them.. As mentioned earlier, many people think that PR is only related to the external organization, but it is not only limited to the external organization. The Scope of PR is very broad; it deals with all the stake holders, including the employees within the companies and customers. It also guides the employees to plan and think according to the needs of the customers. The PR helps the organization to transmit the messages using all the communication channels in an effective way.

Today most of the organizations have PR departments which they effectively utilize in creating their marketing communications( Newsom,Scott, & Turk, 1985). Samsung mobile has also employed the PR techniques in order to create the demand for most of the products. It has also devised it s market communications based on the advice of their PR department. It becomes very difficult for some of the international organizations which are involved in attracting the customers to devise market communications which should be same for all the countries. In this case most of the international organizations take guidance from the Pr department of a particular country and design their market communications accordingly.

The PR exercises are mainly aimed at both the internal and the external public (Broom, & Dozier,1990). The internal public includes the employees and the external public includes the customers, suppliers etc. the role of PR is creating a mutual understanding among both the internal and external public so that the organizational goals are effectively achieved (Grunig, 1989). The PR always aims at creating mutual understanding among its public. It tries to understand the needs of the customers and designs such products or provides such services which should meet the needs of the customers. The PR exercise aims at creating a good company name among the customers (Ledingham, & Bruning,1998). It first promises that it will deliver to the customers their desired needs and then endeavors to accomplish that.

Furthermore, the PR is involved in all the inward and outward communication for the purpose of achieving the ...
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