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Comparative Analysis of Public Management Reform in United Kingdom and France

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Comparative Analysis of Public Management Reform in United Kingdom and France


The banking and financial crisis that erupted in the year 2008 had profound implications for government action in both France Great Britain. The recession that ensued led to review federal funding, and to redefine the limits of state intervention in two countries. The financial meltdown has had an immediate impact in France the government intervention in the rescue of the bank Dexia, key player in the financing of local governments. Great Britain, local authorities have discovered the risks they were running Icelandic banks. Since then, significant loans and commitments financial statements have been made by the French and British governments, which increased the amount of public expenditure as to convince some commentators that the Maastricht criteria for public debt were now ancient history. Following the rescue of banks in the United Britain, the interpenetration of public and commercial finance is, for a time, complete. The traditional role of the French state as a means of capitalist development has been strengthened. In Britain, the brutality of this happened has shattered the conventional wisdom about the limits of government intervention. In addition to its specific effects, the economic crisis and Financial has created a challenging intellectual (Kuhlmann, Sabine, 2004, pp.27-58). In Britain, is the relationship between state and markets is at stake, while, in France, ideological lines of demarcation between the political parties have become difficult to trace the extent that pragmatic responses to the crisis superseded theories and positions.

The realities and prospects in United Kingdom and France

In his welcome address, Professor Alan Alexander observes that even if the conference on the reform of public services has been programmed before the financial crisis, the events of the autumn, winter 2008 made it even more current. The crisis does lead to speed up, slow down the reform process State, its organization and scope of its intervention, or will she no effect on him? Alan Alexander notes that in Britain at least, The crisis has sparked a debate on the role of state for the first time in a generation. The market's ability to ensure continuity of service for the public has been questioned. The variety of views about the extent of Intellectual revision will emerge is evident in the vocabulary used to describe what happened. We have spoiled for choice "Credit crunch", "recession," "depression," "adjustment fundamental, "" inevitable market regulation (Aucoin, 1990, pp. 115-137)." This must not lose sight of the developments in the longer term role assigned to the State as well as the perception of power government by citizens. Alan Alexander mentions several points:

Demographic change: the recent increase in the birth rate does not solve the problems of an aging population;

Pressure, induced demand for public services continues to grow; Fiscal resources are not sufficient to both meet the demand and ensure technological advances.

Citizens expect public services and increasing numbers better quality.

And with this evolution, develops a discussion of ...
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