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Public Law

Public Law


While considering “As the United Kingdom does not have a written constitution, it cannot be said to have a constitution at all.”, we may define constitution as a body of law which constitute the basic formal standards in a state, decided by the person or persons who hold political power. Often also perceived Constitution as more legitimate by state citizens or subjects, which is why the public opinion complicates proposals for change. The purpose of the constitution is very clear, I think the experience of UK democracy and progressive mutual trust between the King and the political parties of the constitutional arch also confirm the success of the objective. Maintaining parliamentary monarchy and confidence of parties and citizens in it are one of the foundations of hope in the future and one of the signs of the success of the Constitution. This paper elaborates the above mentioned statement and clarifies to what extent it can be said that the UK has a constitution.



Constitutional Law differs from laws by generally be circumscribed by such procedural rules that change is cumbersome to obtain. The constitution (also called federal constitution (FC) in the case of a federation, the constitution of the republic in case of a Republic, fundamental law, supreme law, political charter, or constitution text magnum) is a set of rules of government, which may or may not be coded as a document written that enumerates and limits the powers and functions of a political entity. These rules form, or constitute, which is the entity.

Purpose of the constitution

I think it is appropriate at this time, which has tried to forcibly break the harmony and restore an authoritarian system with abrogation of the constitution, we sought to highlight the objectives of 1978 constituents. I think, as I shall try to reason, they are great patriotic objectives, full of good will and also the only possible to ensure the medium and long term, and the peaceful coexistence of United Kingdom, although they may produce some short-term difficulties, especially for the adaptation of certain mentalities that have never been affected by the thinking and living of four simple platitudes.

Consecration of tolerance

The first of intentions, on which there was full agreement and believe that positive results in the Constitution, was the pacification, anchoring and technical institutions of tolerance, mutual respect and pluralism to establish some ground rules accepted by all. For the first time, the effort is not to exclude and not dogmatically assert a thesis to the exclusion of others in the Constitution has allowed an important part of the United Kingdom, not consider others and aggressor of ideals and interests, as happened in our history with all other constitutions.


The third objective of the Constitution was the solution of the problem of the territorial organization of the State, to solve the problems of identity, as well as address regional imbalances between all parts of United Kingdom. It was to make real the idea of United Kingdom, that forgetting the cultures of many ...
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