Public Health Practice

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Public Health Practice

Public Health Practice


The recognition of the benefits of public and private investment in programs for early childhood development is increasing both in the field international and national governmental level and among civil society. Adult parents and professionals from diverse disciplines and even teenagers they begin to recognize their own responsibility and the need to devote efforts and resources to encourage the development of children less than 6 years. Investments during this period of life not only benefit directly, but its revenues will in the course of life and long term benefits to the offspring of this population, making them self-sustaining investment in the extended term and maximum impact (Rollnick 2008,p. 10). In all aspects of individual development (physiological, social, cultural, economic, etc.), early childhood becomes the period of life on which base on further development of the individual.


The social changes of the world force us to rethink contemporary care and child care. The incursion of women into the labour market (formal and informal), which has generated new relationships within the family group, the transformations of family structure and declining child mortality rates, are examples of such changes. These changes have altered traditional ways care and child care and child less than 6 years (Nelson 2005, p. 45). It is no longer a sole responsibility of the mother, recognizes the role of the father and accept the participation of other socializing agents, household members (Grandmother, uncles, older siblings), as well as others responsible for the personal care of the children (third). These new forms of early childhood care require a strengthening of ties parental and family support networks and community, to reduce factors that affect child development, conditions associated with abuse, neglect and emotional detachment, which have a direct bearing on health physical and emotional and girls and child development. Environmental conditions in which they develop early childhood can affect health and behaviour, also act as a very important determinant of cognitive and socio-emotional development (Mitcheson Cowley 2003,p. 426). There evidence which suggests that, children who spend most part of their time in making institutions or orphanages, have low performance in terms of cognitive and mathematical skills. There is evidence to show how neglect during the first years of life, adversely affects brain chemistry and structure your organization. In early childhood, a favourable bonding with parents is promoting proper development both physical and psychosocial and emotional. Disturbances in these environments reflected in situations of displacement have forced significant consequences in terms of the severance of ties, as well as the loss of physical and emotional safety.

Institutional And Programmatic Context

The State responsibility, family and society in protecting the rights of children and the prevalence of these for the rest of society, require that the state and social institutional context, incorporating these principles in such a way that will lead to coordinated actions to ensure the protection of child rights. This because the best decision in terms of the country's economic and social investment in early childhood by their ...
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