Public Health Partnerships

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Public Health Partnerships


The paper discuses the public health partnerships and how they benefit improving the healthcare systems. For this purpose, the two significant partnership are being discussed namely between CDC and The American Public Health Association and CDC with Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. The paper discusses the structure, aims, similarity and differences of thee partnerships.

Public Health Partnerships


To ensure that health is influenced by cross-cutting actions, activities will be framed by the coordination, policy development and the transition from the curative to the preventive, favoring the latter. It is imperative to implement policies that achieve real integration of private and nongovernmental sectors to fulfill their social responsibilities to the country and its inhabitants, leaving the background statistics commodified health and restrict economic interests forgetting the real aim to save lives and prevent irreversible consequences. Under the [partnership, the Health Promotion Entities and other such organizations should have specific facilities for programs of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, which are independent of the facilities of the medical care. This is accompanied by an awareness campaign which educates the member to attend this place (Turnock, 2009,27-39).

It should generate action toward business in partnership with the Professional Risk Managers, leaving aside the business competition and think about programs that benefit employees of an organization in which they are affiliated. Thus, to reach members in the organizations, information achieved from their families and through this could be offered in the Promotion and Prevention, the options according to age group and potential risks (Turnock, 2009,27-39). It is still hard to think short-term indicators to gain acceptance in evaluating a health program, from the perspective of the Promotion and Prevention, to be something so subjective health. Besides this, also need more commitment from the people who work around the themes of health professionals committed to this cause must enforce the laws and public policies when necessary, including not only the so-called professional health (doctors, nurses, dentists, nutritionists, physical therapists, etc.) but also other professions that would be useful to support the work with the community.

Public Health Partnerships

Currently, the state made an unprecedented amount of investment in the health care system, especially in the framework of the modernization of the health of the national project "Health" and other social projects. This fact in itself reflects a clear understanding of the importance of addressing the power of the resource base to provide quality and affordable medical care, and improve life expectancy. Before our eyes, are building modern high-tech medical centers in the most socially significant areas, repaired and equipped with modern equipment the hospital, increasing the efficiency of the ambulance service is provided access to health care (including and expensive). However, in my opinion, this is not a cause for "complacency (Elders,1999,2293-2294)."

The main theory that supports health promotion partnerships is that partners can achieve more together than each could achieve alone. This is called synergy, or makes a "tick" is a partnership. Various types of synergies have been identified, such as vertical ...
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