Public Health Campaign: Smoking

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Public Health Campaign: Smoking

Public Health Campaign: Smoking


The public health issue taken into consideration is Tobacco Addiction through smoking. Smoking was considered as research has shown that in United States of America Tobacco addiction has caused 440,000 people to lose their life every year. The figure made tobacco addiction U.S.A's foremost cause of avoidable death. It is among the five utmost risk factors for death. Figures have shown that over 46 million which makes 70% of US smokers said that they want to quit. Family physicians are trying to take initiatives to help these smokers to quit smoking (Rosen, 2008).

According to World Health Organization (WHO), Tobacco contributes to 11% of heart diseases. Above 70% of lung, bronchus and trachea cancers are due to smoking. If the situation prevail, it 2030 more than 8 million people would die yearly due to smoking. Smoking is a foremost cause behind cardiovascular disease and smokers are likely to have a heart attack twice in comparison to non-smokers. Smoking was taken into account as smoking is dangerous for the smoker and also to non smokers. A nonsmoker when breaths in an environment full of smoke it is very dangerous. Research has shown that even exposure to second-hand smoke leads to heart diseases (Weidner, 2002).The cost of smoking is also disturbing. A high cost is incurred to treat diseases related to smoking. Smokers are less efficient and productive because of sickness. Pre-mature deaths of smokers deprive their loved ones with the income support (Why tobacco is a public health priority, n.d.).


The main task of this campaign is to enhance awareness among the public. Awareness would be created by letting them know the harm caused by each single cigarette they smoke.

Target Audience

The Target Audience will primarily be young people between age bracket of 15 and 25 years. This target audience is chosen as they are young and yet have to start their life on their own. They would meet other smokers and might get attracted to smoking, and if already they are smoking then also this is just the beginning of their life they can quit and can live a normal healthy life ahead.

Methods of driving Our Campaign


As our target audience is between 15-25 age group, to reach our core audience, our public health campaign incorporated internet, television, and emerging media related to mini-sites available to access through mobile phone. The main aim would be to attract young ...
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