Public Health

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Public Health

Public Health

Question for Week 1

Community Health-Focused Organization

The goal of our community health-focused organization is to provide no or reduced cost, health services to the uninsured and low income working households of the community. Our survey has revealed that there are some very serious health issues prevailing in the community. One of them is high blood pressure also called as hypertension. The survey also revealed that the majority people are suffering from high blood pressure. Realizing the long term effects of high blood pressure our organization has planned to devise a control program for high blood pressure.

Community High Blood Pressure Control Program

Our community is lucky enough to have number of associations working together to promote health of the community members. We do have volunteers, nonprofit organizations to assist in carrying out the tasks. Our organization, after conducting a meeting with associates has decided upon the following main goals to achieve in the control program:

Provide resources and financial assistance to all community members.

Reduce problem among 90% members of the community.

Education of patients about the causes and self management of the problem.

Program Phases:

The control program will have the following phases:

Screening and Detection

In this phase community members will b screened and the detection of problem will be done. Assorting of patients will be carried out according to age group and type of care they need.

Diagnostic Evaluation

Services will be provided according to the classification done in phase 1.

Patient Education

They will be educated about their problem, its causes, and control measures to be adopted.

(, n.d.)

Funds for the Program

The funds allotment will be made accordingly for each phase before the commencement of the program. Government and other funding agencies will be consulted with the early finding of the survey as mentioned above.

Question for Week 2

HIV/AIDS Control Program

The devised HIV/AIDS control program is now essential to commence as number of cases have been reported at the hospitals. As the director of the local health department I have decided to carry out the control and prevention program for HIV/AIDS. The program will have following phases:

Assessment of the Problem

First phase will include the assessment of the prevalence of the problem in the city. The assessment will be carried out on geographical bases. The city will be divided into four zones. Each zone will be allotted with two departments for conducting the assessment of each and every person in the city. Local and mobile laboratories for testing will be set up and circulated in the metropolitan areas where it not possible for the residents to commute to stationary laboratories.

The main focus of the departments in each zone will be the sex workers, transgender, men having sex with men, and injecting drug users. The extent of the problem in each group will be noted and then allocation of resources for treatment will be done accordingly.

Recruiting Leaders to help in the Planning and Implementation

After assessment the local hospital and diagnostic centers will be consulted. Figures of assessment will be share with ...
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