Application of HIV Prevention Program for Adolescent

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(PUBH-6235) WEEK 5-Application of HIV Prevention Program for Adolescents

(PUBH-6235) WEEK 5-Application of HIV Prevention Program for Adolescents

Program Name: HIV Prevention Program in Adolescents

Organization Associated: World Health Organization

Date of Interview: December 15, 2013

Mr. ABC is a clinical practitioner working in the hospital and provides health care to the patients of HIV. He is also associated with the World Health Organization to run the campaign for prevention program of HIV in different population. I interviewed Mr. ABC to get his assistance in developing the HIV prevention program for adolescents. The prevention program is discussed below in light of the guidance of Dr. ABC.

Program Activities and Their Theoretical Bases

In order to develop an intervention program for reducing the HIV AIDS in the population of United States, I conducted the interview of the analyst, Mr. ABC on December 15, 2013. Mr. ABC is working with World Health Organization along with other national and international agencies to prevent the incidence as well as to provide the basic treatment facilities in various regions of the world. The main focus of the interview was the young adults or adolescents with the high risk of incidence.

Intervention Programs to Reduce HIV AIDS

One of the most common intervention programs with respect to the HIV prevention is to create awareness among people related to different age groups, as the disease possesses risk of occurrence in almost all age groups. The administration of schools and colleges arranges many awareness programs for the adolescents about the prevention and treatment of HIV AIDS. Most of the healthcare organizations concentrate only on the awareness program via delivering knowledge to the audience regarding the prevalence, its causes, as well as the consequences of disease. According to point of views of Mr. ABC, the information concerning the HIV infection is not enough to change the behavior of individual for the HIV prevention program. The administration of schools and colleges must provide the extra support through various interventional programs and useful activities. There are many advantages of such programs that encompass

Decline the ratio of unprotected sex among students

Reduction in the sex partners

Prevention in first intercourse of sex

These awareness programs decrease the risks of HIV AIDS in this way concerning the adolescents (Tortolero et al, 2010).

Key Activities of the Program

Along with this existing awareness program, the following additional activities are imperative for obtaining the effective program.

Asset developmental curriculums for youth

Psychosocial support and counseling

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