Ptsd In Firefighters

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PTSD in Firefighters


The paper will try to answer the question that do the firefighters suffer from post traumatic stress disorder or not. For research, an analysis of the past literature from different peer reviewed journals will be done. This research of the past literature will be done in the literature review section of the paper. The articles will help in understanding the past literature on the said question. The research will make use of eight articles from different journals of psychology and other renowned journals. Bryant and Guthrie (2005) conducted a study with 82 male fire recruits from the New South Wales Fire Brigade. Hill and Regehr (2000) conducted a study with 164 Australian firefighters to determine whether crisis debriefing works. Prati, Pietrantoni & Cicognani (2011) collected the data through an online questionnaire that was posted on the webpage of the Crisis Psychology Group of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Bologna. Kevin, Joseph, Yi-Chuen & Beverly (2006) raised the point that the symptoms and problems of post-traumatic stress disorders suffered by the victims of emergencies have been extensively studied by many researchers. Harris, Balomglu & Stacks (2002) surveyed 852 firefighters. The selected firefighters met all the requirement criteria for selection and have had an experience of some stressful incident in the past six months. Cheryl, John & Graham (2000) conducted a research in the Metropolitan Fire Brigade. After reviewing these articles, the research will include a conclusion about the findings of these articles. This will then be used to answer the research question.

PTSD in Firefighters


This paper will try to look into the matter that whether the firefighters suffer from post traumatic stress disorder or not. The research will look into the scholarly and peer reviewed articles from different scholarly journals and will try to answer the aforesaid question. The outline of the research paper will include the research question, the methodology, the literature review of the selected articles from scholarly journals and a conclusion to the research and the research question.

Research Question

Do firefighters suffer from post traumatic stress disorder or not.


The aforesaid research will be answered using the past research that has been done on the topic already. The research will look into scholarly and peer reviewed articles and will then conclude about the findings of these articles. This will then be used to answer the research question.

Literature Review

Hill, J., & Regehr, C. (2000). Evaluating the efficacy of crisis debriefing groups: Social work with groups, Volume 23.

There has been mixed reviews on the effectiveness crisis debriefing groups with those that encounter traumatic events. Hill and Regehr (2000) conducted a study with 164 Australian firefighters to determine whether crisis debriefing works. The firefighters are given a questionnaire to collect demographic information age, gender, marital status education, and years in emergency service. The questionnaire also asked about exposure to critical incidents and if the crisis debriefing groups worked for them. They are also given the BDI and the impact of event scale (IES) to check their ...
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