Psychology And Therapy

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Psychology and Therapy

Psychology and Therapy


The core goal of psychology is to help other people by supporting and guiding them so that they can improve their life (Cooper & Roth, 2007). The question which arises here is how to help others to overcome their mental problem. This is only possible with the psychological therapy. Psychological therapy or psychotherapy literally means treatment of the soul or psychological problems. It provides help regarding the disorders in thinking, feeling, experience and action (Palgrave, 2010). These include mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, eating disorders, behavioural disorders in children and adolescents, addictions and compulsions. There are many forms of psychological therapy each comprises of its own theoretical model and techniques of intervention therapy. It is also important to know that psychological therapy differs from person to person which reflects the main goal of this science.

Client Personality Approach

The client-centred psychotherapy is the name of a psychotherapy which framed in humanistic psychology (Reid, 2004). Customer means to emphasize a different semantic nuance to patient as customer stays with the responsibility and freedom on the therapeutic process as an active agent, which opposed to “patient”, this indicated in its literal sense “be patient with the problem” frequently speaks of “customer-centric approach”. Approach is a more general term which used instead of philosophical nuances that allow it framed with a consistent understanding of psychotherapy and interpersonal exchanges that occurred during psychotherapy (Clark & Faiburn, 2003).

Psychodynamic Approach

Different patients have different issues, which are dealt differently by the Doctors. Therefore, in this regard, it is true that in order to deal with different issues of the different clients, the utilization of process of psychodynamic theory is different. Psychotherapy is a method of intervention for mental disorders that privileges psychological techniques for the purpose to change mental process for non-medical therapeutic relationship (Palgrave, 2010). The psychodynamic approach derived historically from the Freudian and Jungian concept of the psychological dynamics. Researchers founded psychoanalysis, a theoretical model of psychological structure with its therapeutic among other things. The concept of psychodynamic related to the mental disorder, obviously that is not dependent on clarification of organic defects (Sharf, 2007). It mainly resulted from an inadequate response to the reality which his caused by the defence mechanisms employed in critical periods, often of childhood, and eventually became dysfunctional in subsequent developmental periods.

Person-Centred Psychotherapy

The evolution of psychotherapy (also GT or Client-centred therapy and person-centred therapy or non-directive counselling) is one of the dominant proponents of humanistic psychology (Sharf, 2007). The person-centred therapy strongly influenced on the movement of the Encounter groups. It provides counselling and supervision which applied at the student-centred teaching in education and as a group-centred leadership in the field of management. The human image of the client-centred psychotherapy assumes that man an innate “self-realization” and “trend-perfecting” (update trend) possess the care, under favourable circumstances for further development and maturation of the personality.

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