An analysis of Schizophreia using the biomedical model
Generally schizophrenia means 'split mind' and is related to disordered thinking and troubled mood. The biological model treats schizophrenia disease as the biologically-based brain disease. The main reasons for the schizophrenia under the biological model are attributed to be the mental disorders caused by the biological abnormalities which are mainly located in the brain. Also, there is no difference derived between the psychical and mental diseases. For schizophrenia, emphasis is put on biomedical treatment. The biomedical model investigates the deficiency in the physical body and if abnormal behaviour is found, then deficiencies are located in brain. According to the biomedical model, schizophrenia is a result because of excess neurotransmitter dopamine in the biochemistry of the brain. Discovery revealed that the chlorpromazine is effective to reduce the severity of schizophrenia. The biomedical model seeks deficiency within the individual in the physical body, thought patterns, history of the individual such as certain damaged experiences. It is recommended that the treatment must be started at the initial stage. Biomedical model suggests that through treatment, the symptoms of schizophrenia must be getting rid of. The early symptom syphilis, abnormality can be eliminated along with the undesired behaviour affecting the termination of the disorder (Ingram, 2009) (Gillon, 2000,, 299).
An analysis of Schizophrenia using the cognitive model
The cognitive model is the detailed version of the biomedical model. The cognitive model adds a third factor to the biomedical model which is the interaction between the environment and individual's behaviour, forming the individual's mental life. The biomedical model do not considers the mental life and considers it as epiphenomenal. Cognitive model suggests that the mental life plays a strong impact on the behaviour of the individual. Cognitive model concludes that the disorder within the process of cognitive results in psychological disorders. Etiology is very important in individual's behaviour which is present in the mental events, thoughts, beliefs and interpretations. According to the cognitive model, schizophrenics have disordered and bizarre sensory experiences which are different from the normal individuals. The deficiency in the sensory processing leads the person to have disordered thoughts and interpretation of events. This, it can be said that schizophrenic experiences real matte r due to disorder. Schizophrenics usually communicate their experience to normal people. This may conclude that there is deficiency in the cognitive process of the individual which is also affirmed by the biomedical model. Deficiency within the individual's susceptibility can also be caused by other cognitive functions. It is also possible that schizophrenia is occurred because of deficiency in the filtering process screening out irrelevant thoughts and stimuli. Cognitive model suggests interpersonal therapy as a treatment for schizophrenia. It is a structured treatment which employs principles from cognitive and behavioural schools, improves the cognitive and behaviour dysfunctions and is often used with drug therapy (Bousader, 1999) (Gillon, 2000,, 299).
An analysis of Depression using the psychodynamic model
The psychodynamic model is a combination of theoretical ideas and technical ...