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The term psychology comes from two Greek words: psyche? which means "soul ?" and logos? "the study of." Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and the mind (Richard 2003).


Psychology investigates an enormous range of phenomena: learning and memory? sensation and perception? motivation and emotion? thinking and language? personality and social behavior? intelligence? infancy and child development? mental illness? and a lot more. Psychologists examine these topics from many different perspectives (Aidman 2002). Some conduct detailed biological studies of the brain? others explore how we process information; and still others study the influence of culture and society.

Other Sciences that relate to Psychology

Physiology - the biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts.

Sociology - the scientific study of human social relations or group life.

Anthropology - the study of all aspects of human life and culture (Richard 2003).

Major areas of research

Psychology is formed of two kinds of research: applied and basic. Basic researchers test theories and build a foundation of knowledge. While applied psychologists study people in real-world settings and use the results to solve practical human problems. There are five major areas of research: biopsychology? clinical psychology? cognitive psychology? developmental psychology? (Aidman 2002) and social psychology. Both basic and applied research are conducted in each of those fields of psychology.

Clinical psychology - is dedicated to the study? diagnosis? and treatment of mental illnesses and other emotional or behavioral disorders. More psychologists work in this field than in any other branch of psychology.

Counseling psychology - is closely related to clinical psychology. Counseling psychologists may treat mental disorders? but they more commonly treat people with less-severe adjustment problems related to marriage? family? school? or career.

Cognitive Psychology - the scientific study of cognition. Cognition means the process of knowing? and cognitive psychology is the study of all mental activities related to acquiring? storing? and using knowledge. Cognitive psychology spans the entire spectrum of conscious and unconscious mental activities: sensation and perception? learning and memory? thinking and reasoning? attention and consciousness? imagining and dreaming? decision making? and problem solving. Other topics that seem to fascinate cognitive psychologists include creativity? intelligence? and how people learn? understand? and use language.

Social psychology - the scientific study of how people think? feel? and behave in social situations.

Health psychology - the application of psychology to the promotion of physical health and the prevention and treatment of illness. Researchers in this area show that human health and ...
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