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Psychology in Everyday Life

Chapter Summaries: 9-12

Chapter nine discusses the importance of Psychology in our everyday lives but we must first understand what Psychology is. The definition of Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process; however ? it can be applied to many other things in life. Everything we do in life is related to Psychology. Psychology is basically the study of who we are ? why we are that way ? and also what we can become.

Psychology is important in many different ways ? one example of why it is so important is ? the research that has been done on many life threatening diseases. By using psychology ? psychologist have studied diseases such as ? Parkinson's disease ? Alzheimer's disease ? and many other neurological diseases. Today ? we know a whole lot more about theses diseases than we did in the past ? scientist have even been able to produce medicines that may help victims of theses diseases. Psychology is also very important in the education system. By using intelligence test schools ? students can be evaluated and given the correct amount of help that they need in school. For example ? IQ test are given to place children in "gifted programs ?" by using these test these students are ensured that they will receive the best quality of learning at a pace that is just right for them. On the other hand ? these test also let teachers and faculty know which students may need extra help in certain areas in school.

In chapter ten we can find another reason why psychology is important is ? the insight previous research has given us. For example ? by studying psychology we learn to understand how the body and mind works. An example of why understanding how the mind and body work is ? by understanding them we can do the less complicated things in life ? such as control stress ? manage time ? and study more effectively. Another example would be the research done on psychological illnesses. Using psychological research ? doctors have now developed medicine and even cure for victims of the illnesses.

Chapter 11 talks about the importance of psychology that psychology is important because it helps understand a person and why to choose to do some of the things to do in life. Later in life people plan to have a career as a marriage and family counselor; therefore ? psychology is very important to people right now. people use the things people have learned to help others around me but also people use what people have learned to make my life easier. By knowing the things that psychology teaches ? people have learned to manage my time more efficiently ? control their stress level ? and be a more all around better person. Psychology is all around us in our everyday lives; it's in our schools ? our careers ? and in our social life. If it were not for psychology ...
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