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Psychology as Science and Gender & Psychology


The study is based on psychology which particularly focuses on two important aspects that are gender and psychology, and psychology as science. By studying the universe, man dominates its laws and applies them to solve practical problems and in doing so, he develops the science. In this context, psychology as a science and gender and psychology offers have a comprehensive knowledge of man, about the world, about emotions, feelings, restlessness, anxiety, questioning learning about development; and thus greater knowledge about the life. Moreover, psychology is a discipline which tries to finds the actions and thoughts of man, and also the activities of animals in a scientific manner. If one needs to aware what exactly this indicates a comprehensive definition of science is necessary that is science is considered as an excellent development in the history of human thought.


Psychology as a human science have a comprehensive knowledge of man, about the world around you, about your feelings, your emotions, anxiety, restlessness, questioning learning about their development; and therefore greater knowledge about life (Myers, 2009). With reference to psychology as a science, it can be said that the fashion professionals uses technical and technical scientific knowledge in their work which enables them to diagnose the issues and make the appropriate intervention and interpretation techniques, which aims to make the healthy person that is able to face the difficulties of day to day concerns.

Furthermore, psychology is the science that studies the mental processes that include feelings, thoughts and reason; and human behavior. It derives from the Greek words that are psyche which means soul and logy which means study of. The experience and behavior of man observed and described by the Greek philosophers were seen as a result of the manifestations of the soul. Concerning to psychology as the science, the areas which are considered as human or social psychology is a medical science which is studied in qualitative and quantitative methods. Moreover, it studies the mental processes that cause the behavior which affect the psyche of the individuals. In addition to this, the key issues which are studied by modern psychology are related to sexual behavior, personality, nervous system functioning, motivation, memory, learning, interpersonal communication, intelligence, group behavior, development and aggressiveness.

Gender and Psychology

Sought through interviews and questionnaires to study the phenomenon of difference/ influence of gender in career choice is an important phenomena. Past researches, use the theme psychology and gender differences in choice of profession. In this context, past research intend to answer satisfactorily the question that is how does gender influence the choice of psychology as a profession? Past research aimed to check the overall influence of gender on the choice of psychology as a profession and specific objectives that is to determine the percentage of acceptability among high school students of psychology; verify the percentage of men and women to assess whether there is a feminization of psychology (Myers, 2009).

It can be said that gender and psychology research is very important because there are ...
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