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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Definition and Concept

The term cognitive-behavioral therapy is the term encompassing the cognitive theory in relation with the consistency of behavioral therapy, and clinical application of cognitive psychology and behavioral psychology. In broad terms, it is the way to explore the perception of oneself through the general order of the world. Followed with this definition the CBT talks about, how the behavior of an individual gets affected through the thoughts and the emotions embedded within their cognition (Wright, Basco & Thase 2006, p. 117).

The mentioned boundaries of the CBT are very vague, and professionals routinely use it in relation with as cognitive behavior therapy, behavior therapy, and cognitive therapy (Leahy 2003, p. 122). In broader perspectives, the CBT uses strategies that are in relation with the behavioral frame work and strategies for the cognition development by various semiotics.

Explanation to CBT

CBT can be conducted through various methods and approaches. Scientists say that people would react to the environment situations through their cognition. The inherent cognition is the basic motivator of the reaction to the situation.

For example, a male child always taught to be dominant is the developing society, therefore, when he develops into adult; he has the inherent cognition that he has the supremacy over females and others in the household (Dryden & Branch 2008, p. 102). Further to this, in basic representations, the cancer patients know that he is going to die sooner or later. Therefore, he can either take it negatively letting his cognition eat away the rest of his life, or he can take it positively and live the rest of life with energy and zeal (Wolpe 1958, p. 112).Principal and Techniques of CBT

Although, the CBT has its roots within the effective interventions of the rigid approach of psychotherapy, but when it employed optimally, it regarded as practical and flexible procedure that may be personalized to the requirement and the needs of each patient.

Rational-Emotive Therapy

This theory termed in relation with irrational believes about one's own self and the world, which occurred due to the suffering of the situation created by the world in the environment (Barlow 2001, p. 29). The creator of this theory (Ellis A.) had gone through the practical implications of this states and, therefore, has regarded with the processing errors or cognitions in relations to this irrational thought that emerged due to either negative or practical consequences.

The main focus of this theory is on the behavioral changes but, its main emphasize is on the cognitive persuasion, and dispute of irrational believes (Trower 1988, p. 114).

Cognitive Therapy & Psycho-education

This therapy relates to the growth of the tension, fear, personality mess, misuse of substance, self-murder, manic-depressive illness, and further psychological issues. The creator of this therapy (Beck, 1960), identified the errors in the mental processes and mechanism, in human which help is distortion of the normality. Such cognitive deformations might consist persistent thoughts, over simplification, pessimistic forecast, illogical conclusion, and choosy pessimistic focusing (Bandura 1969, p. ...
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