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The selected scenario in this regard is “Training puppy by using training pad”. Classical conditioning is termed as a process of learning in which one stimulus also termed as conditioned stimulus comes to the signal of occurrence to the second stimulus. Classical conditioning is thus termed as one of the best form of learning with the help of which learning can be termed as one of an easy task. In classical conditioning method conditioning is usually done by pairing of two stimuli so that best as well as optimal outcomes can be generated. Therefore in this regard while training puppy by using training pads indoor and outdoor as well, various activities or things can be done so that puppy can only do the potty on pad. Other than this, various elements can be attached with this so that puppy will actually associate them with the training pad (Gormezano,, 1987).


Below mentioned are the steps which are necessary to condition the baby to use the pot rather than using the diapers:

Use potty chairs and associate it with the toilet to the child. Use some snacks or candies for treat as well. Let your child to sit on the potty chairs and if they do so, they will be awarded with treat. This can be done during conditioning and once when a child get use to it, let them to sit on toilet as well. By this a child can get in a proper routine and by this they will be well trained as well.


Conditioning as a matter of fact would actually occur in order to generate some potential outcomes. As per various researches it has been proved that it is all because of the conditioning that a person can learn things very quickly without any further issues and by this one learn through various consequences as well.

Unconditioned Response (UCR): Unlearned response that as a matter of fact naturally occurs due to some unconditioned stimulus. Those responses which are caused without any prior learning are related to the unconditioned response.

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): One which do not require any kind of learning in order to trigger any kind of response. Unconditioned stimulus that can as a matter of fact evoke responses by all their own.

Conditioned Response (CR): A process which is termed as a learned response that is linked to the previously neutral stimulus. It is also termed as reflexive behavior (Prokasy, 1965).

Conditioned Stimulus (CS): Previously based neutral stimulus that highlights the conditioned response.




Operant conditioning is termed as one of the best possible method with the help of which behaviors can easily be changed. This is thus termed as one of the best possible way with the help of which behaviors can be changed positively and it will affect positively as well. Toilet training is thus termed as a natural process that increases with the development. On the same side it is termed as one of a complex process as well. In the regard of operant conditioning, babies can give rewards ...
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