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Psychology and Relational Care Human Soul

Psychology and Relational Care Human Soul


The term rational psychology is introduced as a counter to the notion of psychologia empirica. The basic idea of a soul exists beyond the physical world in its philosophical significance and is part of his ontological dualism. The existence of a subject, that the support of his ideas must be the consequence of his thought experiment of radical doubt of all truths.

Theological issues are relevant in the particular connection of the immortality of the soul and the question of how the soul and the physical world are interdependent.

Psychology is not rational in the sense of the psychology of thinking to understand; rather it is about trying a rationalistic science with the soul to develop as a subject that requires no experience. The distinction between introspective psychology and experimental psychology concerns the non-rational psychology, since it is dealing with methodologies of empirical psychology.

The problem of the interaction between mind and the world is in part in modern philosophy of mind and action theory has been resumed. In addition, various philosophical positions taken by the subject-object split reject the label claims of rational psychology.

Psychology and Relational Care Human Soul

Science of the soul, the psychic life or behavior, psychology has been found since its inception at the crossroads between two divergent areas of knowledge: philosophy and science. This is an unresolved branch today.

The soul, according to some religious and philosophical, is the principle vital, immanent or transcendent, any entity endowed with life (human, animal, vegetable), provided that this principle can be distinguished from life itself. The original terms used in the Bible show that a "soul" is a person, animal, or life enjoyed by a person or animal.

By extension, any natural element, such as a mountain, could be invested with a soul with which it would be one way or another can interact. This perception is specific to the animism where every entity is endowed with intentionality, which leads to the emergence of rituals to propitiate his favor (Relly, 2007).

The term soul has many meanings, depending on the different mythical, religious, philosophical and psychological traditions and teachings, in which it appears. In today's language often is the totality of all emotions and mental processes meant for humans.

In addition, there are religious and philosophical views, in which "soul" refers to an immaterial principle, which an individual's life and his constant through time identity cause. This allows the receiving of them be connected, the soul is as to their existence from the body and thus also independent of the physical death and therefore, immortal. Some traditions are assuming that the soul before the procreation exists. In some of these doctrines makes the soul of the person alone, so the body is regarded as insignificant or as an obstacle to the soul.

The concept of mind plays a big role in the religious beliefs. With this concept vitality, and death had becomes less strange when a person dies and ...
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